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When I woke up, everything was blurry. I saw some lights flashing but I couldn't open my eyes all the way. I felt a warm hand touch my face and my eyes were so heavy, so I fell back asleep.

I woke up again at home and everything was sideways. My head was rested on someone's lap. 

I lifted my head up and it felt very heavy and kind of tingly. I sort of remembered waking up a few times, but someone would pull me into their chest, and tell me to go back to sleep.

I looked around and realized I was back at home in my living room. I started to smile when I realized we were back at our real home, but then reality hit me. I slowly got up and turned my body to see who's lap I was on. Looking up at Charlie, I saw that his face was serious and emotionless. But when he saw I was awake, he smiled.

"You're up," he commented. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

I couldn't speak. Charlie looked at me, eagerly waiting for a response. "What happened?" My brain was foggy. 

"Just lay back down, Brenna," he said, pulling me back down into his lap.

"No," I protested. "I saw what happened. Where is he?"

Charlie sighed. "He's okay. He's in stable condition."

"Where is he? Is he here? Can I see him?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. The thought of losing one of my brothers scared me half to death. 

Charlie nodded. "He's at the hospital. Jace is there with him, but he wanted me to take you home until you woke up. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell, B." 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, trying to remember exactly what happened.

"You might have a small concussion, so I just want you to rest a lot today," he spoke, standing up slowly. "I'm going to get the car keys and I'll call Jace and let him know we're coming to the hospital." I nodded. "Stay on the couch please."

And with that, Charlie disappeared to fetch his keys. I looked around the living room and saw suitcases and boxes strewn across the room. Charlie must have brought in the bags quickly because clearly nothing was where it belonged. 

After only a few minutes, Charlie came back, jogging down the stairs. "You ready, B? I called Jace and he's waiting for us at the hospital."

I nodded my head and followed Charlie out the front door and into the car. We didn't talk during the entire car ride, even though I wanted to ask him everything about what had happened. My brain was still foggy and I thought that even if I asked, Charlie probably would tell me to wait and ask Jace my questions anyways.

When we got to the hospital, we checked in with the staff at the front desk and got visitor passes to go back into my brother's room. As we walked down the hallway, Jace came out of a door to our lefthand side and quickly pulled me into a hug. He breathed deeply and pulled me tighter. 

"Are you okay, bub?" he asked, crouching down a little bit so that he was at my level.

"I'm okay. Can I see him?" I was tired of everyone asking me if I was okay when I was the one who made herself pass out. My brother was literally shot.

Jace nodded and put his hand on my back as he guided me into the hospital room where my older brother was lying.

Seeing him in that hospital bed with wires and monitors connected to him broke my heart. Even though he annoyed me more often than not, he was my brother and I cared about him more than anything in the world.

I walked over to where Brady  in the hospital bed, with Larson sitting beside him. Larson got up so that I could sit in the chair next to the bed so I could be close to Brady. Larson gave me a small smile as I sat in the seat he had been in.  I looked more closely at Brady. He worked out a lot and his muscles had grown considerably since he started to train for football, but on that hospital bed, he looked so small and fragile. 

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