Chapter 18

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A cool breeze gently caressed my exposed arms as I took in the view of perfect full moon aglow on a speckled Star back drop. I pulled my silk red shawl up over my shoulders, feeling a chill. I tugged nervously at the hem of my little black dress, feeling cold and exposed.

"Stop fidgeting, dear," ordered the man sitting next to me.

I wanted to look at him and acknowledge the voice I knew, but I couldn't. I felt frozen, fixated only on the moon and sky.

I felt his hand trace the contours of my neck and my skin prickled. It was intoxicating. I felt that this man was important.

A satisfied chuckle escaped him. "That's right my dear. Never forget; you belong to me."

My eyes shot open and I sat up in the bed Trish had prepared for me. I rubbed my temples, only the faintest twinge of pain remaining after the agony that had incapacitated me. I looked out the window to the galaxy outside and the stars reminded me of that dream.

Who was that man?

It all seemed so...familiar. Were these not merely dreams but...memories? That man, I seemed to be quite close to him. Did I belong to him?

I shook my head. It didn't matter anymore. Earth was gone and so was everything and everyone with it. Even if I did have someone important to me there, surely they were gone. Maybe it was better that I didn't remember anything. Perhaps I would find it too painful when the memories returned.

My mind drew back to Xan.

"That will never happen."

He negated my fears of being abandoned. It almost didn't seem like his usual logical self. Trish said he would have to leave me.

I couldn't help but wonder why did I care? Why was I so attached to him? Surely it was nothing more than this feeling of being lost, but still, I felt so deeply upset to think he would leave. His presence somehow brought comfort that I craved.

A cold chill went through me and I shivered, realizing my clothes were sitting in the edge of the bed.  I could feel the reddening of my cheeks again. Xan must have taken them off to put me in the recovery chamber.  How embarrassing!

I sighed, getting up slowly and putting my clothes back on. My fingers brushed upon my leg, realizing now that the brace Xan had put on me was gone and I felt no pain at all.

I exited the room and began walking down the hallway, unsure of where I was even going. Near the kitchen, I overhead two voices. I drew nearer and listened closer, pressing myself against the wall near the door.

"What are you actually planning to do with that girl, Xan?" Neron's voice coaxed. "You can't take her with you. The Torian government will never allow it."

"They won't know about her," Xan snapped back.

Neron's laugh billowed. "I don't know what's funnier, you breaking rules or actually thinking you can pull that off."

Though I couldn't see it, I was sure Xan was scowling at him, based on the tense silence.

"Are you going to leave it all for her, Xan?" Neron asked, a gentleness in his voice now.

"Of course not," Xan answered quickly and I couldn't help but feel a sadness grow inside. "She's just a human; a weak, wounded creature who needs to be taken care of until she can take care of herself."

The sadness now mixed with rage. Liar. After what he said about never leaving, I felt so betrayed. Could I not trust him either?

"Xan..." Neron started but Xan cut him off.

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