Chapter 57 - Break

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Amanda Estelle

I looked at Logan who's walking down the stairs with his father. His father was wearing a beautiful crown on his head and he was so charismatic in his suit. People said that Logan will be a better King than King Valentino because Logan is more interactive with people and he's more considerate.

I always believe that he will be a good King.

"The moment that we all been waiting for." My grandfather said. Actually my father is here too and I'm standing in between the both of them. My father said that King Valentino sent the invitation to them to attend the coronation.

I'm so thankful that King Valentino did that. I need to thank him later on.

Logan stood beside his father and they started to repeat a vow about how they will love the country, the people and how they will follow the rules and be considerate to the people. King Valentino took off his crown and faced Logan.

He said something to Logan and Logan smiled nodding. King Valentino slowly took off his crown and slowly put it on Logan. He gave him the scepter and Logan faced to the crowd.

"King Logan Christopher Nielsen." The priest said and we all cheered. I'm so proud of him. I cried when they samg the Denmark anthem song.

He's no longer a prince, he's a King now.

I hugged my grandfather and my father after that. I looked at Logan who's currently making his way out from then palace and we heard a lot of cheering outside the palace.

I'm so proud of him.. I'm so proud..

After the coronation, Logan and his father have to go to make an official statement so he told me to wait for him. My father and my grandfather were invited by William and Denada to have lunch together so they went to have lunch first.

I was walking on the hallway when Queen Melissa walked out from one of the rooms. She saw me and smiled. I walked towards her and bowed a little.

"Thankyou, Your Highness for giving me this dress and for sending me a makeup and hair team." I said.

"Your welcome, Amanda. Do you mind if we talk for a moment?"

"Of course not." I said and she gestured me to follow her into the room beside it. I was a little nervous actually to talk to her because she might tell me to leave Logan again.

"Please sit down." She said as she gestured me to sit across her. I sat up straight and looked at her nervously.

"I won't tell you to leave my son again, Amanda. Please relax.." She chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous." I smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I just want to tell you that me and Valentino won't get in your way again. We will let you and Logan date or maybe get married in the future." My eyes widen when she said that. I can't contain my happiness that I almost jumped from my seat.

"Thankyou. Thankyou so much, Your Highness." I said and she chuckled.

"I'm sorry that we used not to like you, we thought we know what's the best for our son but we're wrong. You have our blessing for your relationship." I looked at her completely trying not to cry. Logan and I went through a lot and now everything's starting to fall into it's place.

"That's it, Amanda." She said as she stood up. She opened her arms and I quickly got up and hugged her.

"I know that you love my son and that you won't disappoint us in any way." She said as she patted my back.

"Thankyou so much." I said and she releaed the hug.

"I think it's time for Logan to come back, why don't you check downstairs?"

"I will, thankyou so much." I said and she smiled nodding. She gestured me to go and I walked out from the room. I walked downstairs to wait for Logan.

Not long after that, Logan entered the palace alone and I smiled when I saw him. He saw me and he opened his arms widely. I ran and jumped on him. I hugged him tightly because my heart was going to explode for being this happy.

"Good to have you in my arms after all that nervousness." Logan said as he let out a breath of relieve.

"King Logan, you're so cool back there." I said as I released the hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his face close to kiss me. I cupped his face to deepen the kiss.

"King Logan."

"Yeah?" He smirked as our nose touched.

"I love you." I whispered and he crashed his lips again to mine. He kissed me fast and rough that my heart was beating two times faster.

"Tonight.. you're mine." He whispered to my ear sending chills all over my body. Before I could answer, he kissed me again as he pinned me to the wall.

"That's a new vase beside you two, please don't break it." I jumped in shock and turned to see William and my grandfather looking at us. I immediately pushed Logan away and Logan casually walked towards them.

"Hello Elliot." Logan hugged my grandfather and I facepalmed myself. How long have the both of them standing there? Oh God.

My eyes and my grandfather's met and he raised his hands.

"I was blind a few seconds ago." He said as he turned his body around to walk away with William. Logan turned to me and he laughed.

"It's not funny!" I hissed.

"It's funny, babe. Your cheeks are as red as an apple." He said and I covered my cheeks right away. He walked to me and I walked backwards gesturing him not to get close to me.

"Babe, come closer and give me a kiss again."

"No.. not here." I shook my head.

"Let's go to my room then." He said as he put his hand in front of me.

"Coco!" I called Coco when I saw her carrying her toy around the palace. Coco turned to me and immediately ran towards me.

"Seriously?" Logan asked me disbelief.

"Coco to the rescue!" I said as I carried Coco even though he's a big dog away from Logan.

"Mandy, come back here!"

TRS #1 : PrincezoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz