Chapter 6

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6 months later…...

"Hurry! The queen is going into labour!" The maids were shouting, grabbing their hats and running around the castle in a panic, calling for every single midwife that they could possibly find within the castle. "It's not working! Her Majesty is bleeding too much! The baby is unable to come out!" Shouted the servants, worried, and more screams came from the room that Aurora was in.

Across the entire of Ulstead and the Moors, Maleficent was sleeping in her own cave, her head resting comfortably on Diaval's lap, when she heard the shrill scream of pain. Sitting up at once, Maleficent instantly focused her sights on the castle of Ulstead, and she located a mini figure, lying in pain on a bed. Aurora! Maleficent instantly knew what was wrong, and without warning, she flew off, leaving behind a concerned Diaval.

"Ark!" Diaval cawed after her as he flapped his wings, now in the form of a giant peregrine falcon, and the two sped towards the castle together, crashing through the window to land in Aurora's room. "Faerie Godmother..." Aurora cried upon seeing Maleficent, and her skin paled even more with the blood lost.

Horrified, Maleficent instantly knew that there were complications, and she grabbed Aurora's hand, the healing magic of the Phoenix once again rising and swirling in golden mist around the room. The cries of pain lessened, and Aurora cried out loud for the very last time as the baby finally came out.

"Congratulations to the Queen! It's a girl!" One of Aurora's handmaidens instantly came in, scooping up the newborn into a thick blanket, and Aurora smiled weakly at her. "Your Majesty, what would you like to name her?" The handmaiden asked curiously, and Aurora gave it a thought, before Phillip entered the room. 

"Ashley would be nice." Phillip took one look at the wrapped up baby, and there was silence. Slowly, Maleficent looked up, and she realised that Aurora, Phillip, and the rest were waiting for her acknowledgement. "Indeed. Ashley is sweet." Diaval answered for Maleficent, holding her other hand, and Maleficent nodded, smiling at the newborn.

Aurora took over from Phillip, cradling Ashley within her arms, the familiar blue eyes of hers staring back at herself. "Faerie Godmother, Diaval, there's something on one month later..." Aurora smiled at Maleficent, who caught the hint, before she gave a smirk and her eyes twinkled as she slowly looked at Ashley.

"Diaval, my pet, it seems…...that we've a christening to attend to."


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