Chapter 10-Mr President

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Elijah p.o.v
Songs played while we spoke about random things that popped into our heads.

"Elijah, can we stop at the store after we get Taco Bell? I would like to make jelly on Sunday." Y/n asked. "Sure. What flavour?" I asked. "It's between strawberry and rasberry." She said. "I have never had rasberry jelly. Save some for me?" I asked. Y/n chuckled. "Of course."

Y/n p.o.v
We got to Taco Bell and Elijah parked. "Let's go." He said, getting out the car. I followed him out and walked next to him. He smiled and we talked alittle then we entered Taco Bell.

"Elijah! How's it going?" A man said from behind the counter. "Great." He said. The two did a homie handshake and laughed. The man looked at me and smiled. "Who's this?" He asked. "Y/n. She's an exchange student from England." Elijah said proudly. "Cool. I've always wanted to go to England...anyway, the usual?" He asked. Elijah nodded then asked me,"What are you gonna have?" "Same as you...whatever that is." I said. He nodded to me then to his friend. He gave us a receipt and we sat down by a table. "Did you think I was joking when I said that the people here knew me?" He asked. "A little." I smirked. Elijah grinned and we waited for our food and took sips from our cooldrink.

We heard our order and Elijah left to fetch it. He came back and placed the food infront of me. "Thank you." I said. He sat down and I took my food and we ate, joking and laughing too.

Elijah p.o.v
We left Taco Bell then we went to the store. "What do you want again?" "Jelly." She said. I nodded.

We entered the store and Y/n was walking behind me. I past the sweets aisle, the sauce aisle and then the jello and chip aisle and made my way to where they kept the jelly. I turned around when I realised I wasn't hearing Y/n's soft foot steps behind me. She wasn't there. "Y/n? Y/n? Where are you?" I called out. I saw her head pop out of the jello aisle. "Yes?" She asked, holding a box of jello mix. "The jelly is here." I said, pointing at the aisle. " is the jelly aisle. See? I am holding jelly." She said. "No. That's jello." I said. She looked at me and remained silent. "Oh! You guys call jelly, jello and jam, jelly. Sorry." She said. It was my turn to look at her in silence, but not to think, to look at her. She looked so confused and now she looks so relaxed. My chest feels fuzzy now. I feel my cheeks burn so I turn around and run to the juice aisle.
Y/n speed walked to me.

"Wait! Slow down!" Y/n said softly. I smirked and picked up cranberry juice. "Aight. We can go now." I said. She chuckled and we walked to the tills. On the way, Y/n picked up a packet of Sour Patch Kids. "You eat them?" I asked. "No. I just took them so I can place it on my desk and get old." Y/n said cheekily. I rolled my eyes. Y/n grinned. "It's my favourite candy." She said, turning to face the lady at the register. She took the juice out my hand and placed it there with the jello and Sour Patch Kids. "I am paying." She said, taking out her wallet. "Nope." I said. I already had the amount in my hand and handed it to the register lady. Y/n's hand dropped and she looked at me. The lady at the till smiled and took my money.

"You know that I would have paid, right?" Y/n said. "I know." "Then why didn't you let me pay?" "Because." "Because is not an answer." "Because is always an answer." Y/n laughed and then listened to the music. I smiled and looked at the road.

Y/n p.o.v
I opened the packet of candy and placed it on a secure spot where Elijah could easily take some. "Thanks Y/n." He said as he took one candy piece out after stopping at a red traffic light. He popped it in his mouth and his face scrunched up. "Uh gosh! Sour! Way to sour!" He said, chewing and swallowing. "It can't be that bad." I said. I took one and popped it in my mouth and began chewing. My face scrunched up alittle and I said,"Wow. This is way sour than I remember." I quickly swallowed before taking another one. This time it was not that bad. It was still sour but not like the first one. "It's not that bad now." I said. "Really?" Elijah asked, pushing the gas pedal to go faster. I nodded. He took one quickly and ate it. "Oh. Not that bad. That first one though." He said. I laughed. "You should have seen your face." I said. "I bet I looked drop dead gorgous." He said. "Keep dreaming." "Rude." I laughed and he grinned.

Elijah pulled up on Denis's driveway and got out the car. I got the jelly and took the packet of Sour Patch Kids.

When I got to the door, it was already open and Denis was busy talking to Elijah. "Oh! Jello! When you making it?" Denis asked. "Hello to you too, Denis." I said as I put the jelly in the cupboard. "Hey!" He said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and smirked. "I am making it on Sunday." I said. "Guess who's coming on Sunday!" Elijah said. "Who?" I asked teasingly. "Donald Trump." He said. "Cool. It would be an honor to meet the president himself." I said. "It would be quite cool. Do you think Melania Trump will come too?" Denis asked. "Maybe." Elijah said.

I said bye to Elijah and he left after taking three Sour Patch Kids.

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