Chapter 10

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CHAPTER 10 ... FINALLY! Uh, guys... The past three months have been CRAZY! I feel like I've blinked and its suddenly January. I honestly don't know where all this time has gone or how I haven't found time to write since October but here's Chapter 10, finally finished! As always, let me know what you think with some comments and votes. You guys are the best, and once again, I'm sorry for taking SO long to update! Hopefully with the new year, I'll have some new time to write, lol.

"So Hitler's marching his men to Stalingrad?" Harvey asked, leaning back in the armchair he had stationed himself in at the beginning of their meeting.

Mila had come straight to the Lingard's after work, as she did every Friday now, for their weekly meeting, and had begun to pass along the plans for Stalingrad she had been hearing about since early that week.

"That seems to be the case." She nodded. "The Reich is gathering supplies up and flying it out of Berlin too... To aid the men still trapped there."

"I knew the Germans would be too proud to give up a stronghold like Stalingrad..." Harvey grunted, taking a swig from his Scotch glass. "Loosing that territory would be a huge blow to the Russians, and those bastards know it."

"Which is why they can't hold it," Catherine chimed in, her brow furrowed in concentration as it always was during their meetings. "Mila, you need to find out more about these transports taking place in Berlin. What supplies they're gathering... dates and times they're planning on flying the shipments out."

"She's right," Harvey agreed. "If the allies can stop the shipments before they get to the city, then the Germans stranded in Stalingrad won't stand a bloody chance once winter really sets in."

"How are they planning on gathering that large a volume of supplies?" Catherine pressed. "They've already converted the majority of their civilian factories into military use. Their people are practically starving already."

"I think they plan to use the labor camps..." Mila trailed off, her stomach turning at the thought of it.

"Of course they are..." Catherine scoffed. "Use the dispensable prisoners to supply your war effort."

"Is this Captain Fisher still taking you out tonight?" Harvey asked.

"Yes," Mila nodded.

"Good," He continued, taking another pull from his glass. "Keep it casual – nothing too serious – but see what you can get out of him. If anyone knows when and where these shipments are taking place, it's the head of security."


"Where are we going?" Mila asked, covering her eyes with the palms of her hands. She had left the Lingard's with just enough time to walk home and freshen up before Josef had arrived to pick her up for their date.

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