Sleepover (Prologue)

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(Nobody's POV)

Enid and Elodie were up later than they should have been in their shared dorm room at Point Prep Academy, the most prestigious hero school in the area. They were laying in their separate beds catching up on what had happened since they had Elodie betrayed Enid at the contest. Elodie was talking about her friends Miss Pastel and Koala Princess, and the girls were having a great time.

(Elodie's POV)

For the first time in forever, I am happy again. I finally am with Enid again. I spent so many years struggling with the regret I carried from that day when I left Enid, I never  want to do that again. Enid is somehow the light of my life, and the fact that I get to attend school with her everyday is a dream. I looked at the bed across from me. There she was. Talking on and on about her friends back home, all the battles she's won, all the adventures she been on. I wondered if she ever talked about me to anyone else. I wonder if she has ever been in a romantic relationship, perhaps she rekindled her romance with that friend of hers, Rad? Cob I hope not. I stared at her. Her beautiful light brown skin. Her dark brown eyes that are so endearing, her messy purple hair that is usually tied up in a short ponytail, but is now laying all spread out beside her. I wanted to kiss her so bad. But I know I can't. What would she think? I closed my eyes. "Elodie? You okay dude? Did you fall asleep on me" I loved the way she said my name. Oh cob, I must have gotten lost in my thoughts "No, I'm awake Enid." I turned over to face her, she smiled. "Alright whatever jerk. We should go to sleep now huh?" My heart sank for some reason, I wanted to keep talking to her forever, even though I knew I would get the honor to see her in the morning. Something kept pressing me, and worrying me, something that I needed to ask. I stared at the ceiling in silence. "Enid? Have you.... are you dating anyone?"  I looked over,  and she was already asleep.

(Skip to Morning, still Elodie's POV)

My face was buried in my pillow, when the brightness entered my face. It was morning. I heard Enid shuffling. Weird. She usually never was awake before I was. "Elodie you up?" She asked. I gave a tired sing-songy  "yes~"  and waved my hand up at her, my face still buried in my pillow. "Alright, I'm gonna go take a quick shower, then we can walk to Professor Sunshine's class together, ok?" I gave a muffled "ok" I heard the door slam and I got out of bed, preparing to brush my teeth, wash my face, do my makeup, prepare my papers, and put on my uniform when I noticed that Enid have left her phone on the bedside table. That's not like Enid, I thought, teens never forget their phones. I stared at it for a moment. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take one tiny little peek. No, I thought that's way to invasive, I would hate it if she looked at my phone, I walked away from it pushing the thought out of my head. I put on my uniform, and did all I needed to do to prepare for classes, "All ready!" I exclaimed aloud.  All of a sudden, I heard Enid's phone buzz. Cob dang it, now my curiosity had peaked.  I walked over and quickly picked up the phone and turned it over there were at least five messages from someone named Red. Panic coursed through my body, as I saw a dozen heart emojis, including one next to Red's name. The first text read, "How's it going at Pointless Prep babe?"  My face started to get hot and jealousy pierced me like the arrow I shot at Enid's back in middle school. The rest of the texts were saying things along the lines of "I miss you <3" and "Come home baby" I started tearing up looking down at the phone. Mascara ran down my cheek.  Then, I heard a voice behind me. "Elodie? What are you doing" I panicked. "Nothing!! Haha Enid! I'm just ah-standing here!" I gripped her phone in my sweaty hands "why are you holding me phone?" She seemed stern. "I-um" I didn't know what to say. "Were you looking through my texts?" Enid walked toward me and snatched the it out of my hands, and looked down at her texts. She blushed, and looked up at me. "Did you read these?" I gave a small nod. "Elodie! You have to learn to respect my privacy! That was really rude. Why would you do that?!"  Because I love you is what I wanted to say, but I couldn't. "I'm sorry" I said softly, Enid looked more sympathetic "look, I guess I might have done the same thing... but just don't do that again Kay?" How could she always forgive me? I was so in love with her. "Let's go to class" I followed after her.

Who was Red? What was she like? Was she nice? Accomplished! What was her hero level?

Then Enid turned around and said:

"Oh, and by the way Red is my Girlfriend, and I love her very much"

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