Middle School

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A/N: hi! Sorry it's been taking me so long to update this story, I've been kind of busy, and have just never gotten around to updating. Hopefully I'll be able to update more! Sorry again! Enjoy this edgy little flashback chapter!


Young Enid POV

Elodie is basically the coolest girl in school, and I'm her best friend! It's really crazy to think about.  I still have no idea  why she still even bothers to hang out with a loser like me. But she does. I feel really insecure a lot, and she helps me get through it. She's the best friend I've ever had, she's pretty, strong, charismatic, kind, and so many other amazing things I can't even begin to describe. But I know that I definitely don't have feelings for her. Not like that. I'm definitely not gay. Elodie and I are hanging out at the crater today. It should be fun.

Young Elodie POV

"Mom, Dad"... I think I like girls"." 

A silence follows after the words escape my lips at the dinner table. Fear begins to build up inside my chest. My mother and father are dead silent and awkward. After a few more minutes of silence, my father speaks "Well... I wasn't expecting that." My stomach does a little tumble, what does that mean? "What's wrong with who I like? It certainly doesn't hurt anyone?" I speak up looking at my parents directly in the eyes. "Well it hurts your... well.. your image." My father offers " you shouldn't go speaking up about it to anyone" my mother, who has been quiet this entire time speaks; "I'm sorry Elodie, but just try to date some boys ok? It's much healthier that way. I'm sorry but I just can't support you if you're going around kissing girls" I feel myself lurch onto the verge of crying, but I hold back. I push myself up from the table. But being the polite and submissive girl I am I say "Never mind. I was just kidding. May I be excused? I have to go meet Enid" I say this cold and flat. My parents chuckle  "ok Elodie. Just promise us, no more homosexual stuff ok?". "Ok" I mutter. I slam the door. As I walk toward the crater. I begin to sob. 

Young Enid POV

I'm waiting for Elodie at the crater. "Gosh what's taking her so long?" I pace back and forth. It's beginning to get dark and cold out. I pull out my cell phone and text her.

En1d: hey r u coming??

Finally I see her in the distance. But somethings wrong. As she gets closer I notice her puffy eyes, her red nose, her slumped shoulders. She been crying. But what about? I run up to her and immediately ask her " Hey. A-are you ok Elodie?" Elodie looks up at me with the saddest look in her eyes. "No". She reply's sadly. "Do you want to talk about it?""

" It's too embarrassing I'm afraid."

I respect her choice not to tell me "Well, if you ever want to talk about it I'm here. Are you cold?" Elodie gives a sad smile. "Yes" she replies. I take off my jacket and put it on her shoulders. She smiles and buries herself in it. I laugh. We enjoy the night as just two best friends.

When the night ends, and we say our goodbyes. I worry. What happened to Elodie?

Young Elodie POV

Enid forgot her jacket.

I had it with me. I inhaled its scent. I loved the way it smelled. Not in a creepy way or anything. I don't know. It's just- comforting. I walk down the kicked up pavement. I should have told Enid what happened, I was just scared. What if she reacted the same way my parents did? What if she didn't want to be friends anymore? What if it ruins our chance in a romantic relationship together? It's true, that I have deep, romantic feelings for Enid. I hate to admit it to myself. But I know it's true. Cob, I love her so much. Her shy voice, her kindness, her dorkiness. I couldn't handle it. I begin to cry. Everything's going so wrong. I hate being gay. I just hate it. Will nobody love me for who I am?  I arrive home. I don't see my parents anywhere. They're  probably asleep. Good. I crawl into my pink plushy bed, with Enid's jacket still around me, I ball it up and hug it like a teddy bear. 

Suddenly, my door creaks open. It's my dad. "Elodie? You up?"

Don't talk, don't talk, don't talk, I tell myself. 

"Yes" I reply.

Shoot. He comes in and plops down on my bed. "Do you have feelings for Enid?" The question comes out of nowhere. My body freezes like ice. But my face heats up. I should lie. But I don't. This would be the biggest mistake of my life. "Yes." My stomach begins to hurt. " I knew it" my father raises his hand. I tremble in fear, thinking he's going to strike me. But instead he grips his hand on my shoulder, I feel a brief sensation of relief. Thinking he's actually being supportive. But that sensation quickly vanishes. " I need you to end the friendship. This is wrong, you can't be romantic with your best friend! You need to convince her that you were never friends." My heart drops. I begin to cry. "But why? This isn't fair! Besides what are you going to do if I don't end the friendship!"

"I'll kick you out of the house, and I'll just have to handle Enid myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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