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3rd person POV

"And how am I supposed to get the kids outta the lot?" Unser said, barely to hear through the speaker of Tigs phone. "How the fuck shall I know? You are the chief of police department - it's your call! We need the kids outta here, NOW!", Tig yelled into his phone.
Lizzy, Tara and the other women gathered the kids together and spoke to them softly. Happy, the prospects and the hangarounds lingered on the half opened windows, checking the outside.
Suddenly Gemma jumped up and stormed over to Tig, snapped the cellphone out of his hand. "Wayne, I have an idea. Listen closely..."
Tig motioned for Liz to come over to him. "We need to search all the rooms for weapons. You're in?" She nodded and went back into the hallway, Tara on her heels. Both of them started to go through every members stuff, in desperate need for firepower.
When Tara's cell went off, she excused herself and answered it. "Liz, it's  Chibs." Liz took the phone and told him what they were doing. "Storage room. There is a large barrel. Noone except Opie, Jax and I know. Put the lid down. There must be plenty of firecrackers." Liz gave the information  to Tara, who nodded and went to the storage room. "Love take care, ya?", Chibs said with an anxious voice. "I know...I..." Then Happy started shouting. "THEY BROKE INTO THE LOT!" Liz stayed silent for a moment. "Love, I heard Happy, what's goin on?" "Filip, they broke into the lot. Please come here, drive like the devil himself is chasing you, I don't care. Or else we're screwed." She disconnected the line, her hands and fingers trembling for fear. When she made her way up to the big common room, Gemma and Layla ushered the kids into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" Liz trailed behind them, while Gemma explained her plan. "Behind the wall here there is a tunnel system. It leads into the sewereage. Unser is waiting for the kids down there. Layla is joining them, you should go too." She addressed Tara and Lizzy. Both stubborn women, shook their head no. "We can't leave the boys up front. They need our help.", Lizzy stated with her hands on her hips. "I get the croweaters. Noone should be harmed who isn't directly involved. Besides there are to many kids for Layla to handle alone." Tara said and headed out, only to come back shortly after with five more women. Liz and Tara kissed their kids quickly goodbye and handed both to the women. Gemma showed them the way through the hidden wall door and all of them were gone.
All three grown up women looked at each other after the kids were gone and they held their hands. "We will get through this. The kids will be fine.", Gemma said supportive and handed each of them a gun. "I know.", Lizzy answered and checked the bullets. "Never thought I would need those again though..."

Then it went batshit crazy.

Happy and Tig started to instruct each and every one where to stay and where to hide.

Suddenly a gunshot was fired.

Lizzy and the other two old ladies faced their destiny and all three took their guns and went to the windows, helping out the guys. Shots over shots were flying through the lot, until one of the hangarounds got hit.
Tara immediately went over to him and checked his wound. "The bullet went through, no worries here. I'll patch him up quickly, then he's good to go.", she yelled over the ruckus and helped the guy out.
Lizzys hands were shaking badly now. She saw Butch out there, screaming profanities at her, or at least in her direction because he couldn't see her. She just wanted to get over with this and to be held by Chibs.

In the meantime Chibs and the rest of the club were driving like lunatics in the direction of Charming. When they had to make a rest for gas, Chibs dialed Tara's number. "Yeah, kinda busy, what's going on?" "I wanna talk to Liz." "She's occupied, just like I am. We're having a shootdown with these Kraut-faces." Chibs hands started trembling as he heard guns fired in the background. "Jesus..." "And Lizzy is next to Happy and Tig, defending our lives." Chibs ended the call and told the others what was going on back in their hometown Charming. Without further comments all of them saddled up and drove like hell. Chibs looked at the distance - only 3,5 more hours. But he was devastated enough, just like the other men, to get to Charming  in under 2,5 hours.

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