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This little chapter is dedicated to MakishaLove - because you just keep up my spirit and I have to thank you for that! And I promise, I won't do anything horrible... well at least not soooooooo horrible, if you get what I am saying ;)

Thank you to all of you for your reading and your votes and the comments, you don't know how much that means to me. xoxo


Chibs POV

We sat at the table till the early morning hours, discussing our possibilities and plans to get Lizzy out of the shithole and to end off Butch.
The whole time I kept zoning in and out, because I was reliving the phone call earlier. It was  nerve wracking that I didn't know if she was hurt or hungry or anything.
At around 2:50 am we decided on a break. Happy had to call Tacoma for support in gunpower, because we ran out of it after our last run and the incident at the clubhouse.
Tiredly I made my way to the kitchen, getting myself a cup of coffee. I needed something to push my mind and my body, I had to keep my head in the game - that's the least thing I could do for my girls.
The minute I poured myself a cup of the brown liquid, I heard somebody behind me clearing his throat.
"Do you mind to get me one, too?" It was Beach who stood in the doorway, looking at me. I opened a cupboard, got him out a mug and handed it to him. "Self service. Help yarself." I turned around to stirr up the sugar in my coffee, ignoring him at my side.
"Can I talk to you for a sec? It's about Eliza.", he asked suddenly. Suspiciously I glared at him. "Shoot." "Uhm... listen... I messed up, I know that part. I let that asshole send her away in the first place. That was never my intention. I promised her father to take care of her, but I didn't. When he died she was in a bad place. I brought her with me to the club. Her brother and I had an eye on her while she was with us. But then she started seeing Butch. We didn't know how serious it was, or it would be, but it was something that kept her alive." He took a sip of his coffee. "Beach, why exactly are ya tellin ma this?" He shrugged. "Maybe because I saw the look in your face, when you threatened me back there. By the way, I accept it. If this messes up, you have every right to put me down." I looked at him stunned. "Ya must be shitin ma." "No... it was Chibs, right?" I nodded. "That girl is head over heels for you. I saw it in her eyes when she talked to you. I am her only blood related family, except for her two cousins and her niece and nephew. There was a time when I saw her almost every single day. You get to know people, you learn to read people when you're close with them. We were close once. I would like to have that again." I pointed to the door. "Let's go outside, I want ta talk ta ya in private. Ta much eavesdropper in here." I said out loud, because I've seen Jax and Opie lingering outside of the kitchen. Beach nodded and followed my lead.
Outside it was still dark and we sat ourselves on the picnic table and I lit myself a cigarette. My mind racing with questions, I asked the one bothering me the most. "How is she?" Beach sighed. "She is... angry. Hurt. Butch is a nasty bastard. If I had a chance to kill him right then and there, I would have. But his guard dogs are everywhere. This time I went in using my head." "What did they do to ma gurl?" "They beat her up. But she's coping. She needs a doc though." I looked at him, pleading him to continue. Beach's eyes teared up and he swallowed hard. "Butch burnt her leg... it wasn't treated. It looks bad man.", he whispered.
Hot anger boiled up in me. "When it is time, he is mine. I will turn his insides out.", I pressed out through my teeth. "I tried to clean it a bit. But she refused any other help. She didn't want me to have trouble. Well not more than we already have." "Stubborn woman." "Yeah, she is just like my wife was." "What happened ta yar family? Why is everyone dead?" Beach looked at me sad. "Travis wasn't the man he used to be after his wife died of cancer. Hell, nobody was. He and Luke, where on a run when a truck ran over JC. Luke, Elizas brother and JCs son, saw how his old man died on the street. He tried to cope, but he failed. He started taking crystal meth. My wife took him and drove him to rehab." Beachs eyes darkened, his mind obviously away, far away. "They had a car accident. Corinne, my wife, died immediately. Luke was fighting for a whole year. He lost his leg and his kidneys stopped working properly.   He died because he refused any treatment, he gave himself the guilt of my wife's death. He left a junkie ex and a depressed wife. Both of his kids and his wife live with me since then. Eliza was lost. So she turned to Butch. I knew she was hurt, but I had so much shit on my plate at that time, I agreed that Butch took her in. And then he knocked her up and send her away into the states. Because he was afraid his wife could find out. And I just found out about two months ago what really happened. It all is my fault." "Fuck. Ya guys went through a lot of shite. I am sorry man, but this ain't yar fault. Butch is the one ta blame." "Chibs - how old are you if I may ask?" "52 - why?" "Jesus... you could be her father... your almost as old as I am..." "Aye, I know." "You love that girl?", he asked me quietly. I took my last sip of coffee, before I answered him. "More than ma own life, aye." Beach looked into the distance. "Good. Then I don't have to worry about that. I don't know much about you, but you seem like a decent man." I snorted at that. "Yeah... I am a criminal, an outlaw biker..." "No shit, I thought you're a banker..." We shared a laugh, when Jax stepped out of the clubhouse. "We need you two at the table."

Almost one hour later everything was settled and we were on our way. In a few hours from now on, Lizzy will be safe and the horror will be over. Hopefully.

Beach led us outside of Charming through some dirt roads. He showed us where the Krauts were hiding. From a safe distance we eyed the place. It was a small cabin with two sheds a little further. Happy, Tig and some of the Nomads, Happy called earlier, checked out the place. I felt a little edgy and started squirming around. Clay came to me, Jax and Beach trailing behind. "Brother she will be in your arms in no time. We get her out." "Aye, I know."

Happy returned and told us how many men were positioned outside and how the buildings were set up.

"Where is Lizzy held captive Beach?", Clay asked. "She's in some kind of basement on the backside of the cabin. The door is guarded by three men and one of my guys I trust is with her, keeping an eye on everyone." "Ok, then let's do this.", Jax said and aimed himself.

Lizzy's POV

My leg hurt like fucking hell. Avoiding to touch or even to look at it, I tried to stay in my  early seating position. The guy who kept me company glared at me once in a while. He gave me water, he put an old cushion behind my back so I was at least a little comfortable. I guess he was one of my uncles guys. Butch didn't show up until now, so my mind drifted away. I thought about the phone call from the day before, or was it the day before yesterday? I couldn't really tell, because time felt like an endless time loop with no beginning and no end. I thought about my kid, but the mere thought about Josy nearly killed me. Instead I started to think about Chibs. How he sounded on the phone. It was the second time he wanted to say something, but I had to interrupt him and end the call. His broken voice hurt my heart. But what touched me the most, was the fact that he took care of Josy. Shit, he even read her bedtime stories! If that doesn't mean something then what does. I felt in and out of conciousness, probably because of my leg. Dreams about my past and the present were there, but also dreams about my future. My future with Chibs. I really could see us being a family. Everytime I woke after such a dream, I was sure we would have such a future. Maybe not in the suburban way, like I dreamed about. I was fully aware of how he earned his money and what he does for a living. Honestly I didn't care. As long as I could tell him how much he means to me, how much I love him.
All of a sudden I felt someone nudging me and I opened my eyes. The guard who was watching me, crouched next to me. "People outside. They come you.", he told me in a very bad broken English. I could hear men screaming and gunshots. My family is here, I just knew it. Finally I nodded to my guard, not able to move at all at that moment. I cursed, when I moved my legs a little, trying to stand up. Gazing at my thigh, I saw it was badly infected, swollen and red. My Jeans was burnt together with my flesh and was sticking in the wound. It looked nasty. The guy next to me tried to get me up, but I shook my head no and held my hands up, signing him to stop. He nodded understanding and stood up, placing himself between me and the door.
Then the door was pulled open quickly. Butch stood there, blood running down his neck. His eyes were wild and he bolted down the few steps. The guy in front of me didn't budge an inch and held his gun tightly, aiming it at Butch. Butch took in the sight in front of him and pulled his own gun. He was faster than my guard and pulled the trigger. The guy who shielded me fell on the floor, a shot between his eyes. Butch stepped over him, murmuring "Fucker.". When he got to me, he pressed his finger into my burnt flesh. I yelled in agony and he started laughing. "Let's meet your family, bitch!" He whispered into my ear and licked my ear. I felt nothing except excruciating pain, so I wasn't able to put up a fight against him. Butch yanked me up by my hair and pressed himself against my back, holding a knife against my throat and a gun at my stomach.
He dragged me out of the basement and started yelling. "STOP! OR SHE'S DEAD!"

Through heaven and hellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz