Problema de Papá (Nick x Reader)

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for @corebore123. I loved writing this! I'm obsessed with NCIS and Chicago PD! Crossing them over was so fun! Voight is probably my favourite character to write!! Sorry it took so long - mental health and school has been such a priority lately that I forgot I even had a wattpad account to be honest. Feel free to request more!

"When dad gets here we need to be really careful," I warn Nick, sighing as the building feeling of dread takes over my stomach. I didn't even want to imagine his reaction to the fact that I'm not only engaged, but that my fiancé and I have an adopted daughter.

"Why can't we tell him, Holly? He can't possibly be that mad about us?" Nick replies, laughing at my paranoia.

"He won't be mad, though, he'll become super overprotective of not just me, but of you and Elena too. He won't be able to cope with the fact that we live out of state."

"We literally live in the middle of Washington, DC. That's not out of state."

"Out of Illinois, much less Chicago. The next city over is too far away from him, especially if he finds out that I'm with someone and I've got a kid. You're not getting the gravity of this." I pace in the bullpen. Nicks really getting on my nerves now. You'd never think that for someone as intelligent as Nick, he's a real dumbass sometimes.

"Why is he so possessive about of you?" He asks.

"Nico, you're not understanding," I mumble as I sit sideways on his lap. "He's not possessive. He's protective. You know how my high school ex treated me. After I left him I had to move schools, and even then he still stalked me and put me through hell. Dad doesn't want me to go through that again."

His golden-brown eyes stare into my own. "You know I wouldn't ever be like that though, right?"

I nod. "Yes. It's just, he doesn't want to take that chance. Especially when I've kept you secret for two and a half years. He won't be angry or disappointed, but he'll be terrified that I spent that long with someone without him there to protect me. After mom's so-called 'doctor' poisoned her with chemo, and then Justin being murdered, and he's just lost his best friend to murder, he's terrified that I'm gonna die too. It's damn near killing him enough that I'm not even in the same state as him. He doesn't want me in bubble wrap, he just wants me close enough for him to feel able to protect me shall I need it."

"You really love your dad don't you?" He wonders.

"Apart from you and Elena, yes. He's been the one and only untouchable constant in my life. I love you, but dad's my ride or die. I'd be dead without him." I explain, trying to discreetly wipe away a tear or two that had formed as I spoke about the only person that has lived and loved for me relentlessly.

I gasp and spin around upon hearing a deep rasp from behind me. "I'm glad we feel the same way."

"Dad?" I jump out of Nick's lap, at a loss for words.

"I've missed you, baby." I fall into his arms, holding tight.

"I've missed you too, Papa." He grabs my face, kissing my forehead and whispering to me that he's not going to flip because I'm clearly dating someone. He introduces himself to Nick as Gibbs, Ellie and McGee walk into the bullpen. Dad turns to them, sticking a hand out to Gibbs.

"Long time, no see Gunny." Dad grins, a rare sight. I even made eye contact with Jay, who just shrugged and shook his head.

And then an even stranger sight, Gibbs smiling brightly and clasping my dad's hand before they did that weird one-arm-shoulder-hug-thing that dudes like to do. "How are ya, Hank?"

"Good, I'm good. What about you? What number wife are you on now?" Dad jokes.

"Ah, you know I've learned my lesson." Gibbs laughs. The rest of the NCIS and Chicago PD's Intelligence Unit stay in silence, gawking the the peculiar sight of their bosses being happy, practically joyful.


NCIS has just made twelve arrests thanks to the help of the Intelligence Unit and we were all hanging out in the bullpen, talking and eating our take-out as the elevator pings and I'm suddenly gripped with panic as my adopted daughter bound toward Nick and I with her teddy bear, Julio, screaming "Mamá! Papá! You're late! Tía Lucia and Tío George said you'd be home for dinner!"

I try my hardest not to acknowledge my dad as I pick Elena up, kiss her cheek and apologising for not making it home. Nick comes up behind me and whispers to come up with something because my dad's staring at us and not blinking. I make eye contact with him, suddenly finding myself walking to him, Elena still perched in my arms.

"You said you were only together for two and a half years. She looks like she's four." He states.

"I'm five and a half, mister." Elena sasses him. He couldn't hide his smile when she said that. "Mommy and Daddy saved me because papí was with RAC to sell me." She explains before I could say anything.

"She doesn't really understand that, but yes, that's how Nick and I ended up adopting her. Papa, meet Elena Camille Torres."


"Because we love her," Nick explains. Dad rolls his eyes and keeps staring at me and the five year old in my arms.

"With what happened to Mom, Justin and Al, as well as Erin leaving, I couldn't handle how protective you were. I didn't want to pause my life again – I couldn't. Everything was going so well and to stop it all would have ended it."

He stands. "I love you, Holly Camille Voight. And you too, Elena." He pulls us into his embrace.

"Are you my new abuelo?" Elena asks.

"I'll always be your abuelo." He replies, kissing her forehead.

"Nick if you hurt Holly or Elena the last place you'll see will be the Silos wearing a Chicago necklace." Dad threatens.

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