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And thanks so much for having decided to read my book:) *happy jumps around the room*
I really hope you will enjoy reading this and that you like my writing.

I will be very happy if you leave a vote, showing that you liked it, and comments!

I will try to update a lot, but since I have school and horses it can sometimes be a little hard to have time... But I'll try!

Now I'm going to leave those important things about the book, like triggers and so on, so read it!

1. Do not copy and claim as yours.

2. All characters and places are owned by J. K. Rowling, and this is in no way canon. Everything is based on the Harry Potter books.

3. Please keep a nice tone in the comments, to everyone.

4. This will include selfharm, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, abuse and/or mentions of abuse, do not read if triggered!

5. This will probably include sexual actions as kisses and maybe more than that. But nothing will be detailed and if it gets longer then kisses I will skip it and you can use your own imagination.

6. Chapter count: 2

7. My English isn't the best and I can do both grammar and spelling errors. If so, don't get angry just comment and I'll try to fix it!

8. This is based in year 8 BUT that doesn't mean it will follow everything that has happened before... Let's just say that there is a little less deaths... You'll see who I let live;)

9. The book cover I'm using right now is made by me using Adobe Spark. The picture is taken from Google and I do NOT own it.

Now, let's go on with the book! I really hope you will enjoy following Harry, Draco and many more throguh this fanfiction!

O and that's right, if there is any special ship you wants to see (that doesn't include Harry or Draco) please tell me and I'll see if I can make it to the story!


Let the fanfic begin!

(U see what I did there?)

Harry Potter and the Biggest Lie Ever Told - DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now