Getting on the plane

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There is an elevator going up. When it gets up we see a plane then we cut to the elevator opening to see the five animals.

Alex: I like to move it move it.

Gloria: He likes to move it move it.

Marty: She likes to move it move it.

Melman: We like too.

Lexis: Move it!!

They all walk to the plane. They all sing on there way to the plane.

Alex: I'm going to miss you you little fuss buckets please do call us.(sees lemurs pick there noses) seriously though call.

Lexis: Please do.

Maurice: Wait you can't leave without this.(brings out a fake cake then king Julian comes out of the cake wearing a grass skirt)

King Julian: Yay surprise freaks ahh.(brings his skirt down) shake it yeah I'm a lady I'm a lady everyone. Just kidding its me king Julian.

Lexis: You're coming with us King Julian?

King Julian: We'll yes of course misses Lexis.

Lexis: But what about your kingdom?

King Julian: We'll now that you mention it. Everyone I have an announcement meet your new ruler Steve. (shows the little lizard from his crown)

All the lemurs are silent.

Maurice: I don't think they find that appealing.

King Julian: Wait a sec he's saying something(Steve Licks his ear) oh that's really funny ha ha ha. He says he will be a good leader to you all!

All the lemurs cheer. Then we see mort with a suit case.

Mort: I'm ready I'm all packed I have everything planned too ha ha ha!

King Julian: Oh no it's mort he's so annoying! Stop that thing he's caring Scissors and hand cream!!

Mort: Oh

Then lemur security guards tackle mort.

King Julian: Everyone get in quick!! Get in quick!!!!(pushes them all in)

We cut to lexis going to the Penguins.

Lexis: It's time to start the plane.

Skipper: All right. Engine.

Kowalski: Check.

Skipper: Wings.

Kowalski: Check.

Skipper: Coffee maker.

Kowalski: Check.

Lexis: Good I'll go back to my friends call me when you need me.

Kowalski: Will do.

We cut back to mort who escaped the security guards and carry's scissors.

Mort: Ha ha you guys can't catch me! Ha ha.(runs to the plane)

King Julian:(Shuts the door on mort) Woopsie daisies.

Skipper: All right lets get this plane moving in 10, 9.

We cut to private tell the group safety stuff.

Private: If we run out of oxygen theses air bags will fall from the ceiling. Oh and if we hit water there are some life jackets in the bottom of your seats.

Marty:(accidentally breaks his buckle) Um my buckle is broken!

Private: Oh most of them are so hang on to something.

Lexis: I thought I told you to fix the set buckles!!

Private: Oh we didn't have the right supplies to fix them sorry so hang on the something when we lift off.

Lexis: Now he tells me!(puts her hand on her face)

Private: Beverages will be here when we take off.

Skipper: 5,4,3,2,1 go!!

The plane launches from the slingshot.

All group: Ahhhh!!!!!!

The plane looks like it's going to crash so the lemurs are shocked. But the plane ended up flying anyways so the lemurs cheer and we see the boat that is out of gas and then the plane goes into a storm cloud some thunder wakes up Alex.

Alex:(wakes up) Ahhh.(looks out the window to see mort) Ahhh!! Gremlin!(sees that it's mort) oh hey mort.

Mort: Hi.(flys of the plane) Ahhhh!!!!

Alex: That's was weird.

Marty: What is it?

Alex: I thought I saw mort in the wing of the plane.

Lexis: Well if he was he would be doing a lot of swimming.

Marty: I think the wild is starting to mess with you.

Alex: Why would you say that?

Marty: Like when you and Lexis bit me on the butt.

Alex: He he.

Lexis: He he.(blushes) I thought we weren't going to talk about that again.

Marty: Anyways what will you be doing when we get back to New York Alex?

Alex: Oh probably do some new dance moves in a show.

Marty: What about you Lexis?

Lexis: Oh um....I'm not sure actually I will probably be doing the same things as I did in New York....but I will hang out with you guys more if you want me too?

Marty: That's a great idea lexis. What about you Gloria?

Gloria: You know when we travel the world I think I want to meet someone you know have a relationship.

Marty: Oh that's nice.

Lexis: Oh um....that's great.

Melman: Well there are other guys out there.

Gloria: What do you mean by that?

They all look at Melman.

Melman: Oh what is holding that drink out there I will check it out.

Melman goes to the back.

Gloria: Lexis are you thinking about having a relationship?

Lexis: Oh um... no I'm not.

Marty: Why not?

Lexis: Well it's a bit early for me to find a guy in my life and plus I'm not good with romance stuff.

Gloria: Well maybe you can find someone while we travel.

Lexis: I don't know Gloria I don't think I'm ready for romance.

Gloria: Well you think about it lexis I will take a nap you guys talk ok.(puts her sleep mask on)

Alex: Why don't you want to be in a relationship lexis?

Lexis: Well yes I'm not good with romance and any guys out there mite just see me as this scary aggressive lion.

Marty: Well I'm sure you will find someone.

Alex: When you're ready of course.

Lexis: Thanks guys.

(And that's it for the second part and I'm sorry if I'm forgetting any of the main characters lines or writing them wrong they are hard to hear and some of them make me cringe LOL 😂 and I'm sorry if this took longer to make I have no motivation to write stories all the time (and I'm busy writing my Ni No Kuni story) speaking of Ni No kuni please do check out my story Ni No Kuni Wizard princess (Cassiopia's sister) that story is not getting enough views and I want more on it so please check it out (as well as my frosty the snowman (with my oc) Anyways see you guys in the next chapter ❤️❤️❤️)

Madagascar 2 (with lioness sister)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang