Twists And Turns

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Twists and Turns

'Betrayal, the worst feeling. What is betrayal? When you are betrayed, are you truly betrayed, or do you just think that you are? Don't jump to conclusions over a word, or an action. Though, most are right, some are wrong. Keeper, don't let this feeling enter into you. When your whereabouts are unknown don't think that they are unknown to others. This is when that are just known. Don't go down a path with no return. Don't take the wrong path to where you are left alone. Remember, Beverly and Casady, you must always stick to one another. And remember, never trust the liars. The headquarters may be called a home to you in the future, as do many others. But remember, you must always be on high alert.
-Signing off, X'
Page 10 of The Legend of a Dark and Twisted Knight


"Casady?" Sotonoya calls softly.

"Hm?" Casady asks, getting pulled out of her trance.

"Will you accompany Beverly down here toward me?"


Both of the friends walked through the single door toward Sotonoya. Sotonoya, with a mysterious smile on her face tries to act like this was not wanted. But in reality, Sotonoya had everything planned out to the smallest detail. She knew Casady's power all to well. After all, she had them too. She badly wants others to join her in her cause. However, no one ever has, she gets to them to late.

"Casady," she says with a look that she is having a flash back,"I know what you are going through and feeling all to well. Do not loose sight of who you really are. Your family, and you are free to leave,"

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch. The only thing I ask is that you listen and consider my offer."

"What is it?"

"I cannot discuss it here in front of everyone. It is a matter of personal decision, not of others. I need to go over this information with you privately."

"Okay, as long as they," Casady states, pointing to the group of people,"get to leave right now."
"Deal. The flight leaves in five minutes. Now, if you will follow me?"

Casady nods to Beverly letting her know that it is okay. However, it is more because she doesn't know if Beverly should be trusted or not. Beverly walks over to her family and friends. They all embrace in a hug and are taken away to the plane. Casady, on the other hand, does not leave with her family, she follows Sonotoya away, in an opposite direction. The two of them walk into a conference room where a single vanilla folder lays undisturbed on the wooden table.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Why don't you take a seat?" Sonotoya says pointing toward the chair next to where she is.

"I'm fine thanks." Casady states, matter-of-factly.

Casady holds a steady stare at Sonotoya as she reaches over and grabs the vanilla folder. She opens it and takes out the first paper, handing it to Casady.

"This is my offer; I want your help. I don't know what the other's with powers have told you about me, but I can assure that they are wrong. I am not a monster. I want to help and make a difference in this world."

"What kind of difference?"

"Imagine a world that can all communicate telepathically! Imagine a world with no disease! This is what I want."

"And what is it that you are really trying to achieve?"

"World peace."

"Does it look like I am laughing? I want the truth."

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