Playing Catch Up

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Playing Catch Up

'Be normal, when not normal. Don't stand out, when you stand out. Fade into the shadows, when you are in the light. Be yourself, but not your new self. A storm is coming, it is on the horizon. Listen to what you are told. Hide your ability. Blend into the crowd, don't be in the center. Be careful to not use your power on eight. Go back to normality while it seems like there is none. Listen to these words and will certainly survive. Choose to ignore them, and you will be dead by morning. Stay careful.
Signing off, X'
Page 12 of The Legend of a Twisted Knight


Beverly and her parents are sitting on the couch in their family room talking about what had happened. They have been sitting there, talking, for the past eleven hours. Trying to decide what is going on and how to help.

"So all of this happened six days ago? That's when it all started?" Casady's mother asks, trying to comprehend everything that has been told, and has happened to her this past day.

"Yes, six days ago everything in Casady's and my life was changed. That is why she had a seizure and passed out. It happened more than just that one time. Sotonoya is trying to capture Casady. She could care less about me. The only reason that she threatens me is to get to Casady."

"So you are her keeper?" Her father asks.


"What can we do to help?"


"There has to be something that we can do. We are not letting our 17 year old daughter go head on in this fight alone."

"I'm not alone, I have Casady."

"But it is just you and Casady."

"No, it's not."

"What do you mean? I thought you told us everything?"

"I just want to keep you all safe."

"Beverly, if you want to keep us safe, you need to tell us everything. It is the only way that we can be prepared and ready for whatever comes our way."

"Fine, there are seven people like Casady. Aside from her there are six others. Each of them, I believe, have keepers also."

"What do you mean, you believe?"

"I am not sure that they do. I have never seen them but one of them has mentioned their keeper. Also, sense you want to know everything, we both received books."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, they just appeared. Casady's appeared at the hospital and fell on her stomach. Mine appeared on my nightstand over night. I saw it the next day when I woke up."

"Okay, is that all?"

"Yes, now may I please go see if Casady is home? I am really worried about her."

"Yes, that's fine."

"Thank you."

"I love you Beverly" They both say to her in perfect unison.

"Love you to!" She says as she shuts the door behind her.

"What are we going to do?"

"I have no idea."

"Well, we can't just let our only child do this. It is not right to let her put herself in harms way each and every day as we just sit here and do nothing."

"Your right, we need to do something, but what?"

"I don't know yet. For now, I think we should get some rest. It's almost nine o'clock."

"Your probably right, we should go to bed. What help would we be if we were walking zombies anyway?"

Both of Beverly's parents get into their bed and fall asleep right as she opens the door to Casady's house. Instantly, Beverly spots all four of them talking at the dinner table. Beverly is stunned to see all of them sitting together at that table.

"Hello?" Beverly asks, making sure not to scare them.

"Hey Beverly!" Casady says happily with a face that says, help me!

"So what are you all talking about?"

"We are discussing the topic about how the two of you lied to us, put us in harms way, and almost got everyone killed!" Casady's dad yells.

"Has Casady explained what happened?"

"What do you think the first thing she did was? I just don't understand why neither one of you told us anything?" Casady's mother asks with a soft and weak voice.

"Did she tell you why?"


"Well, let me help. The day that we found out everything, we also received books. They are not just ordinary books, they have powers and are very old. Each page tells us something that we need to know. We have only read the first nine pages or so. However, the book specifically told us not to tell anyone, including our own family members."

"Is that so? How did your parents take it?" Casady's father asks in a mocking manner.

"They took it well, they are worried for us and want to help in any way that they can. The only thing that they ask is that we keep them well informed."

"Oh." He says, defeated.

"Well, now that you know everything, I would like to leave with Casady. It is of the upmost urgency."

"About what?" Mary asks.

"You can come to Mary, if you want to. We are going to read more of the book."

"Yes please! I'll come."

Before allowing Casady's parents to say anything else, the three of them dismiss themselves. They head over to the nearest coffee shop. When they get three, all of them collapse on the leather chairs in the back corner. All of them are tiered and just want to be alone. They need to read more of the book, but neither one of them is sure if they should do so in front of Mary. After all, she is a lot younger than them.

"So?" Mary asks

"So what?" Casady asks beck, confused

"Are we going to go over the book, or not?" Mary asks, boredom shining through in her voice.

"Well," Beverly starts, helping Casady get out of it.

"Well what?" Mary asks, cutting Beverly off.

"Yes, let's start." Casady says, nodding at Beverly.

They open up the old book to where they left off, page nine. Casady is about to start reading as someone walks up to them.

"Good evening, may I get you anything?" The barrista asks.

At first, Casady looks at Beverly completely confused. Then it dawns on her that they are, after all, at a coffee shop. "Yes, may I have a mocha?"

"Iced or hot?"

"Iced please, oh and with soy. Thanks"

"And for you two?" She turns her attention toward Beverly and Mary.

"I'll take a double espresso please." Beverly says.

"And I'll have a iced mocha." Mary says

"Decaf" Casady corrects with a warning tone

"Fine, decaf." She corrects herself.

"Okay, I will be right back with all go those" She says with a sincere smile as they all shift their attention back to the book.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asks. They all look up to see Thomas before them, alive and well, with a large, mysterious smile planted on his face.

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