Author's Preface

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Kill Who You Want is a twisty, suspenseful thriller which I originally published on this site over the winter of 2017/2018 then recklessly deleted so I could move it onto a different (and much more inferior) story-sharing platform.Though reader feedback was extremely positive (see below), as a Wattpad debutant I still hadn't quite worked out the site's mechanisms or how to maximise the novel's appeal. The original cover, for example, was a very amateurish affair. Chapters were too long, and these I posted in segments which were too short. I didn't have an upload schedule; some weeks I'd put out four posts, other weeks none at all. In short, the whole thing was a little haphazard.

Now something of a Wattpad veteran, I understand the value of a professional-looking cover, of standard chapter lengths (between 1500 and 2500 words) and of a regular upload schedule. Though still written in British English, in this re-edited version I've also tried to reign in cultural references and dialect for the benefit on non-British readers. Furthermore, I've included a short explanation of the UK police ranks and terminology referred to in the novel, and have inserted at the halfway point a complete character list should anyone's memory need refreshing. In edition, each chapter will begin with a brief plot reminder - similar to the way TV series start with a quick recap: 'Previously on (insert title of show).'

This, after all, is the essence of Wattpad: stories broken into bite-sized chunks readers can chew on while they're riding the bus to work or some monotonous college lecturer is droning on in the background. With its frequent twists and moments of stomach-clawing suspense, I believe Kill Who You Want is a perfect fit. It is for this reason I've decided to dust the story down, polish it up and humbly offer it once more before the great Wattpad public. There is certainly scope for a sequel, and this is another reason I've decided to revisit the novel.

If you find yourself enjoying my story, please don't underestimate the importance of votes both to a writer's morale and to a novel's ranking in the book lists. Even more greatly appreciated would be any feedback you might offer. The chance of being able to interact with a small but appreciative readership, and through your constructive criticism hone my craft, is the principal reason that I - as I suspect most adult writers - choose to publish on Wattpad.

Thanks everyone.

All rights reserved

Michael David Smith, 2019

Comments on original version: 'one of the best and most beautifully written stories I've had the privilege to read', 'loved every chapter', 'great read', 'you still come up with twists?', 'very moved', 'you always make me want more', 'wonderful, great, wow, could go on', 'great character development', 'heartbreaking' and many more

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