Taster : The Third Shadow

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Sometimes the truth is just too terrible to ever be guessed

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Sometimes the truth is just too terrible to ever be guessed...


When two British brothers are reported missing whilst on holiday in southern Italy, the local carabinieri turn to retired detective Jim Jacks for help. Still pained by a recent divorce, he has started a new life for himself as a small-scale wine producer. Along with commander Nuzzo, he will slowly unravel a mystery which is even darker than it had first seemed...

Genre: murder mystery
Length: 75,000 words (300 novel pages)
Target audience: adult, fans of crime fiction, anyone who likes mysteries full of twists and populated by three-dimensional characters
Posting schedule: Sundays and Thursdays


'In any normal case impending fatherhood might be considered a catalyst for a young man's sudden flight. Normal this case was most definitely not however. Responsibility-fleeing fathers-to-be simply don't up and off whilst on holiday, and nor for that matter with their elder brother in tow.

For almost all Italians I've ever met, no concept is more sacrosanct than that of family. The news seemed to further steel the Nuzzo's determination. "Even more reason to find them" he reflected. "The father. The uncle." He gazed sombrely through the living room door towards the two figures seated at the table. "Come, ispettore" The Italian translation of inspector I took as a gesture of respect, of inclusion. From this point on it would it would become his habitual form of address to me.

There was a hand on my back, ushering me towards the sister-in-laws. "We have already wasted too much time."

That we hadn't taken things a little more seriously from the start - sent out a couple of officers to make a few initial enquiries at least - was something which, over the coming months, would haunt us both I think.'

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