Part 7

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~Yn's POV~

"Hey does anybody else notice Kanna starring at those kids?" Kobayashi.

"Well yeah, it's about time for her bloodlust to sink in."

"Not my Kanna, she's a good girl, unlike you!"

"You wanna go knight boy?"

"You can try dragon breath."

"Cut it out you two, Kanna obviously wants to be with kids her age."

"So y'wanna put her in school?"

"I mean where else do they keep kids her age, but we're gonna have to buy her school stuff."

"Mannnn I'm jealous, only Nobles got to go to school, everybody else had to do apprenticeship, like when I was a squire."

"Hmm maybe we should put you in there too, then again they might be too advanced for your small brain."

"Alright, girls let's go shopping, it'll be nice to be just us girls."

"Man, I need guy friends, wait, I know a tomboy!"

I ran to Ericka's appartement dragged her out and ran to the store.

"Hmm, I'm still mad about you lecturing me yesterday."

"How 'bout I pay for it?"

"Mm fine."

We followed Kobayashi shopping for Kanna for a while until we got bored and went to do our own thing.

"Hey what's this shop?" Ericka asked.

"Dunno, let's check it out." I respond.

The shop was rather small, but was packed with all sorts of animals.

All through out, you could hear cats meowing, birds squawking and other noises

Ericka's gaze was fixated on these small wingless dragons.

"Hmm so they managed to enslave dragons in this world."

"And they look super cute."

"If you want one, I'm paying."

I kept walking around, until I found small gated off area in the shop, filled with Dogs.

I jump over the small gate and walk through to check the dogs out.

Don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but whatever.

A small ball of fluff bounces towards me.

"Heya little buddy, you wanna be my pet?"

The dog bounces onto me putting his little paws onto my lap.

Settled, this is my dog.

"Heeeeey Ericka, you done gawking at the mini dragons?"

/A Knight at Kobayashi's/ Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now