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It was a horrible day.

Our soccer game was canceled- and all of the guys actually had it planned to go.

I made a D on a physics test, which would drop my overall grade.

I can home- walking in to my mother and Brian butt ass naked in the kitchen, snorting coke off of the kitchen counter.

I was beyond frustrated, beyond hormonal, and beyond ready to be in my actual home, with my boys.

I sat in my bed, starting to study physics to figure out where the fuck I went wrong- just as my mom walked in, thankfully clothed.

"I'm sorry that you had to see-" "I really don't want to talk about it and I do not accept your apology." I spoke firmly to her.

"Skylar, I know I told you-" "you've told me a lot, and I'm about five seconds away from calling my dad and telling him you're a fucking crackhead, so get out." I spoke firmly- wanting nothing but to scream at her- to yell at her, to make her actually understand how I was feeling.

But I had to stick to talking firmly, because I still had to come back.

"I made snacks-" "I don't want them."

I'm not eating anything out of that kitchen.

An hour later- I had yet to figure out what I did wrong in physics and my mother and her friends were currently blasting loud music, laughing loudly and yelling.

I let out a scream- throwing my pencil across the room before falling back into my bed.

Don't cry

Do not cry

Do not cry

I can't cry over this, I'm just about to start my period and I'm hormonal and I just need a break- that's all.

So I showered.

Once I finished I slipped into velvet shorts and one of my dads t-shirts.

I slipped on socks and went to my room.

I listening to Khalid- finding him to be the only artist to relax me at the moment.

I burned a candle, I did a face mask- I tried to just relax and push the crying feeling away, and it worked.

Around eleven I texted my dad and the guys in a groupchat goodnight, laying down in bed, exhaling at the sound of the drunk and high adults yelling in the living room.

But yet- the exhaustion pulled me into sleep.

I woke up to my door opening

I stayed on my stomach- knowing it was my mom.

Surprisingly, I felt my bed dip down, instantly waking me up more

Was my mom trying to sleep in my bed with me?

"Mom?" I tiredly spoke, lifting myself onto one elbow, immediately freezing when I saw Antonio.

"What are you doing?" I shot to him quickly.

"Hush" he spoke, glancing to make sure the door was shut as he almost sat on my legs.

I went into a pure panic- I knew what he was doing.

"Stop- no" I fought against his hands as they tried to grab my own, himself trying to pin me down.

"Please- don't do this, I'll do anything!" I yelled out as he continually shushed me, getting my hands pinned above my head, pulling my shirt up with his other hand, revealing my bralette.

"Antonio- stop!" I screamed as loud as I could, trying to knee him, trying to kick, trying to punch but it was almost as if he knew what he was doing, he had his body in the exact position to where I couldn't move unless he wanted me to.

"Mom!" I screamed out.

"Yell as loud as you want- they're all in a high sleep" he laughed, cupping my boob, squeezing it firmly, making me instantly try to roll over as I screamed my lungs out- no one coming.

As I continually fought him, as he kissed my stomach, chest and neck, ripping my dads shirt off of my body, working at the shorts- I managed to get a knee free.

Just as his fingers went under my panties- I kneed him as hard as I could- right where my Dad always told me to hit a guy that was trying to hurt me.

He immediately groaned in pain as I threw myself out of my bed, onto the floor, stumbling to my feet.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled, still holding his junk, but managing to get a perfect slap to my cheek, knocking me right back on my ass before he immediately fell into my bed, almost crying from pain- but I didn't feel bad.

I ran.

I grabbed a hoodie, throwing it over my bralette, throwing on vans and running with nothing else.

"Mom" I gasped for air as I saw her on the couch.

"Mom he's going to hurt me, wake up" I shook her.

She didn't wake.

I could hear that he wasn't groaning anymore- and I didn't want him coming after me once he was okay- it would be worse.

So I ran, I left.

I ran down the dark street, seeing the sun barely rising.

I went to a coffee shop about a mile from my school.

That's when I realized that I had nothing

I didn't have my phone, I had no shirt, just a hoodie and almost booty shorts, but thankfully long enough to cover enough of my body.

I sat in a booth, letting my head hit the back of the seat.

I felt the tears coming

They were about to spill over

I wanted my dad.

I needed my dad.

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