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*nervously scratches my head*.......................Mulffins....😶


"Tharn! Do you seriously want to die! Go away!"

"Mm." Tharn simply nodded and continued to simply follow behind.

Type could feel all his blood rush to his brain and fingers itching to feel the lustre of that living, thick, red liquid.

Oh how badly he wanted to strangle this motherfucker.

It wasn't enough that he felt completely embarrassed this morning but when the two had finished putting on their uniform Tharn kept following him.

"This is one brave bastard." Type swore.

As they continued to walk Type was wondering if Tharn already made a deal with the reaper.

Tharn would rest his hand on his shoulder and he would mumble a whine as he shrugged it off. Just like a small child who was trying to give the silent treatment.


"Uhmm." Type would whine and shrug away.


Type would repeat as well as Tharn.

Finally fed up with this behaviour Type turned around.

"Tharn," Type sulked. Tharn couldn't resist these rare moments when Type will actually act like this.

"Your faculty is in the other direction why are you following me to my faculty. "

"Oh! Right.Yeah, I'll go."

Oh! Just oh. Just fucking oh. I've made up my mind. This guy is definitely fucking with my brain!

"Um.... Type cool down..... You look ready kill somebody just now. "



"Why are you being like this?"

Tharn looked at the other as his head was completely dropped down and hands nervously trying to find a way to fit themselves. There was no longer a sight a anger just complete lost. He really didn't know what was going on.

Tharn let out a small giggle and rested his hand on the other's hair.

Starting to pet it Type looked up without without moving his head. Giving Tharn the full attention of his pair of eyes.

"Nothing much. I just like to be around with you. It's nice. I'm completely my own self when I'm with you. No type facade."

"Then make friends you jerk and leave me alone!"

Ah... His temper returned.

"Too bad. I'm new and friendless. Guess your stuck with me." Tharn teased.

Ah. Type really had to change rooms.  This guy will surely drive him insane. But Type was avoiding the little spark warmth he felt when Tharn earnestly said he liked to be around him. It was the first time someone has told him that. Especially since attitude isn't really the best. It undeniably felt good when someone accepts his faulty self and told him that it was comfortable to be around.

Fine. I'll continue to be his roommate.

As Type started to mumble.

"Just for a little bit."

"What did you say? "

"Get your fucking hand off of it! "

"How long are you going to pet my hair like that. Go. Go. "

There was no fucking way I'm telling him he make me felt good. Not this bastard.

Tharn couldn't control the laugh he let out. "Okay. I'll go to my faculty now. Bye. Oh and thanks for not killing me."

Tharn gleefully hopped away and headed to his class before he really makes Type lose his limited amount of patience.

Type watched and a small smile cracked onto his lips as he watched Tharn go as he shakes his head. "Silly."

Type turned around and walked but he immediately got a heart attack.

There stood his brother and the senior from this morning. Both with a completely stunned face. Then Klui spoke.

"Ah. So nice to have a lover send you off to class on the first day of college."

Love who?

"About this morning it wasn't lik-"

For some reason Klui's voice was so much more empowering.

"-Being so sweet to each other. Ah. You'll make this senior jealous if you act so sweet in public."

Did he see everything. No you misunderstood.

"No you-"

"Seo find me lover. How can you let this friend of yours be single for so long."

"Maybe if you stopped minding other's business you'll have enough time to find someone who likes you."

Type was casually ignored.


They both fell into silence.

"I'm trying to explain-"


Tharn was rushing towards him with a nervous expression. He pulled Type's arm and brought him closer. Making Type's side hit his chest.

Tharn hurriedly whispered into his ear.

"Sorry Type."


"Sorry Type, but can you kiss me."

"Tharn! The fuck did you just say."

Tharn staring at someone nearing; his frantic actions became more hurried.

Without care of the audience of passing students, the two dumbfounded seniors and mostly Type's growing anger. Tharn grabbed his chin with two fingers and slightly tilted his face upwards.

Without any more hesitation he pressed his lips against Type's ones.

Tharn had already decided to deal with his death later for kissing his straight hot-tempered friend.

But for now he seriously had to avoid another danger.



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Uhhh... Uhmmm.. Yeah

Bye bye.

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