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"No! No! No! No! Ah! What should I do!"

It was morning and as usual the mix-blood boy had awoken before his roommate but he was fill with panic.

Type was still comfortably resting on his arm with a firm girp on Tharn's finger as his body was slightly curled up. Back facing the other.

Tharn was continuing to panic.

I should have just slid and fall asleep on the ground like usual! Why the hell am I still on the bed sleeping soundly. He isn't my lover why did I stay! I swear Tharn you're just asking to die aren't you.

But why.... Why!..... Why didn't he move either!

Tharn couldn't help but cry out.

Tharn stared back at the cause of his panic and still couldn't help but cry out again.

"Maybe he won't notice." Tharn said as he tried to convince himself when he looked upon the already small black and blue bruises on the back of Type's neck.  Some light red.

I fucking left hickeys on his neck!

Type's neck!

Where it can be easily seen!

Tharn you fucking idiot! Did I dreamingly suck on his neck. Ahh.

It has been a while but this is Type you idiot.

Maybe I could cover it.

Tharn started to think of ways to cover the unconscious marks he left upon his roommate.

Hair extensions?........... No that'll never work.

Makeup?..........We both have no use for it.

Scarf?............It's a fricken oven right now.

Bandage?...........With this many on his neck.... People would think he has to go to the hospital.

Blame mosquitoes?..... And now I'm just being a complete idiot.

Tharn endlessly thought of solutions but each one he would quickly find the fault.

"Mm.... Will you stop shaking so much." Type groaned as he readjusted his head.

Oh great. The only morning you awake easily. Isn't that just great.

"Mm... Why are you moving so much. It's so early. I don't want to wake up. I don't like mornings." Type complained while  his eyes were squeezing tightly together. This time turning his body so that he was now facing Tharn. His head  slightly resting on Tharn's chest.


"I think you should sleep I'll go prepare."

"Prepare what? Food? I don't trust you."

"Then I'm going to buy." Tharn was trying so hard to escape.

"No I'll cook. We can't buy stuff to eat everyday."

"Then I'm going to shower." Tharn finally tried to rise but Type quickly placed his hand across his chest as he mumbled into his arm.

"Weren't you the one who forcibly made me sleep here. Then stay till I'm fully awake and continue to be my pillow." Type said while his eyes were still close.

Ahh! What great luck I have. The one day I need you to push me away for when I teased you. You insist on me staying!

Meanwhile Tharn was fighting his internal war, Type was having his own one as well.

Your Fault (TharnType) Where stories live. Discover now