They spoke from "understanding" once again.

"Let me go punch him!"

"That won't help."

"And how is kissing helping."

"He will go away if he sees me like this. With someone."



"Fuck you. You owe me a dinner for this week. "

Tharn was now relieved. Type agreed to his plan.

Speechless speaking once again.

"Sigh. What should I do."

"Make this more believable."

"What more believable." Type was growing annoyed.

You want me to do more!!!

"Fine. You fucking owe me dinner for two weeks."

For an audience this scene would be a portrait of two passionate lovers who just couldn't bare to let go of each others warm connection but in reality it was two idiots with their faces stuck and trying to find a way to go about it.

Sigh. The stupidity in their logic. It was almost comical how they had a whole conversation with their lips stuck and not even the romantic kind.

Type lost to Tharn. He responded.

Bringing his arms around Tharn's neck he hugged it and kissed.

Successful for a response Tharn tried his luck.

Tharn allowed his tongue to glide against Type and slightly poked trying to ask for entrance.

Type was no fool. He knew how to kiss and he just needed a way to vent right now.

Opening his mouth he allowed both of their tongues to be entangled. Their own heat mixing together. This was getting a little too intense. Type thought.

If their tongues weren't against each other they were either sucking either the lower or bottom parts of each other's lips. Or nibbling, allowing their teeth to tease the other's swollen lips.

The lips moved at a perfect rhythm!!!



Dinner for three fucking weeks! Is he gone yet or your wallet will be in tears.

I agree.

They both fully opened their eyes and and looked. He was gone.

They immediately pulled apart but an unavoidable string of saliva separated them.

Type can just die at that moment when he saw it. He can just bury himself alive. He grabbed Tharn's collar and shouted in a way only Tharn can hear but it still had the same impact of a speaker.

"Why was Kan there?!"

"I don't know. I was going to class and he was there a distance behind me. I tried to avoid it but I couldn't and you were the only one I knew good enough to help me. Sorry. "

Type sighed and let go of his collar.

"Go. We will deal with this later in our dorm."

Tharn hurried before he was killed by Type. Atleast he gave him a few hours to reminisce about life.

Type felt the anger growing within him. Not because he was just kissed by a guy.

Nope. But he saw that bastard's face.




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Me realizing that Tharn and Type had their lips together practically for this whole chapter😓😶😂

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Well... Yeah.... Okay..... Hmm.. Kan


Bye bye.

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