charlie dalton

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you sighed, sweat coming out of all part of your body. forehead, thighs, arms. your hair sticking to your face, all messed up, out of breath, legs burning, feet aching, face red. you were exhausted after a 90-minute football game and you couldn't even relax till the end of it, as your team and the rival one were on 4-4, and mostly for the fact that it was being a home game, at ridgeway high school, there's a lot of pressure from the crowd. you needed to win this.

you were certain that the 90 minutes had already gone, but the referee was waiting for one more goal still, it was the publics's school of vermont girls tournament final game, if you guys still 4-4 it would go for prolongation and penalty shootout, the referee seemed like she only wanted to go home and were avoiding it at all costs, you couldn't be more glad, as your body could not handle more than 5 minutes from now on.

you ran to the rival's area, close to the goal, somehow the ball came to your foot, and two defenders of the rival team came to your way, you quickly dribbled them though, passing the ball through one of the tall girl's legs and kicking it to your team's number 10. that's it, the perfect chance to score.

"yeeoho! go number 9 show them some talent!" you heard someone shout and looking in the direction of the sound, you found a brown-haired boy, wearing a i'm very rich kind of clothing with black sunglasses standing up in the crowd and clapping you. he was close to three other boys and you had never seen any of them. you shook your head, paying attention to the game.

the black-haired girl that was your team's forward easily managed the ball, kicking it and you moved closer to her, in case you need to give any more assistance. the rival's team keeper blocked it with her legs which made the ball return, not thinking twice, you jumped, hitting the ball with your head, making it enter the net.

final whistle.

you started to ran as the stand screamed, and soon you felt at least 3 bodies upon yours and others hugging you by the side, you fell on the floor together with the other girls and the substitutes, laughing.

"we won!" you exclaimed while getting up and hugging each one of the girls separately.

you started to run again doing some backflips, you were so happy as you and your team worked so hard, for so long and sometimes the tournament seemed infinite. it is just so good to see your effort being paid back. besides, football is your greatest passion and it was nice to practice it for your school. people always thought you were weird for playing football as a girl, but when the school decided to open a girls' football team, you were relieved when you saw so many girls as interested as you are for the sport. and soon the tournament was announced.

you sit on the pitch, massaging your thighs and drinking water, verena, your keeper, in front of you. the other girls were either spread around, chatting and resting or talking to a significant other.

"hey! hey! hey! number 9 is our queen!" you heard the same voice from early again and shook your head smiling.

"who's the weirdo? i don't think i've ever seen him." you asked veh pointing to the boys and she turned to look.

"oh my! why haven't i seen them before!" verena exclaimed.

"there's nothing special about them, why would you?" you asked.

"nothing special about them? have you seen their faces?" verena asked.

"yes... and?" you asked nonchalantly, verena rolled her eyes and smiled. "they dress up oddly." you added.

"look, the one wearing the flannel shirt?" verena pointed and you nodded.

"he's chris noel's new boyfriend. the one she dumped chet for." she said.

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