Introducing me

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We all seems to be pretty okay with every information being online and ready to reach.. I'm not like that. I would love to be that way, but that's easeier said than done. I'm good at bottling stuff up like most people these days. I've learned that it's not healthy for me to keep things that way. This is my way out of the bottle. 

I'm gonna keep this on a down low, on telling about myself as in general. I don't think anyone who reads this needs to know too much about me. I don't want people I know finding out that I am the writer of this. But I think you who reads this needs to know a little about me. Well I'm a girl at first. I'm 15 years old and I live in a smaller country in Europe. And I'm not born speaking english. In reality that's all you would need to know. 

This story is real. I don't fill in the boring blanks and I wont lie. I will tell the truth... I wont say my life is extremely special in any way. This isn't more exiting than anybody elses life. This is my life straight out of the box. I will admit that I probably wont tell about every single boring day of my life. But seriously see this as a blog. Scroll past this if you like. I wont judge you. As the title says. This is just The diary of a plain Jane.

Btw. please comment if you read this, find it awful, or maybe even a bit useful. I'd also like to hear your stories...

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