Behind those clouds where more than darkness...

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After Christmas 2013 things turned out differently than I expected back then. Juliet, Louise and I got closer. And for the next six months everything was amazing. In June i went to the One Direction concert with Louise. I've never been a big fan of them but it was a nice concert. At that time Louise and I were a lot closer than Juliet and I. She felt like my best friend at the time. 

The summer came and during the summer Holiday we barely spoke. When we started school again in august things had changed a lot. The first weeks I felt lost again. I could feel our connection slipping through my fingers and I desperately tried holding on to it. At some point I stopped trying and let it go. It was a rough beginning of what I thought would be a rough year but I was wrong. 

Behind all of the clouds where someone else more than ready to take me under their wings. Kate and Alice. These girls talked to me in 7th grade as well. They don't care much about opinions from others. They are best friends. Always has been and probably will be for a long time so sometimes it feels a bit like third wheeling but I can see past that.

I also started hanging out with this guy. Let's call him Christopher. I must admit he is truly amazing. He started in my class a week before the summer holiday. Back then I thought he was cute but I bet you all know what happens when fresh meet appears. MOST girls act like fucking dogs going for the D... Really that happens all the times.. Please tell me you know that feeling..

The truth is I reeeallly like this guy. He's just sorta shy when it comes to girls. He has no problem messing around in public but one on one. He's just as awkward as I am. We chat a lot on Facebook, Snapchat and stuff and we talk in school. We even dance Jive together in P.E. I don't really know if he knows that I like him. I think he does. And sometimes I believe he likes me back. But I don't really know. 

Enough about my love life that's going nowhere. This is my life so far. I think I will try posting daily. But again try is only my hope that it will work out. If you guys have questions please just ask. Just not too much about things that could like blow this secret thing. 

And remember the names in this story are fake. I don't know people with these names in general so.... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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