15. Logan

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I spent the last 48 hours trying to come up with a plan to work this deal out but nothing seems to be going my way. As the mansion comes into view I find my body growing heavier, realizing that I haven't slept more than 4 hours at a stretch for the last couple of days.

Sleep sounded like heaven right now and maybe that's what I needed in order to get my head straight. Maybe I'm being too optimistic but I'm certain that tomorrow morning I'll have a plan ready. If not I'm going to be in deep shit. I make a quick stop over to my office, dropping off the tan envelope that held the contract papers which could either get me a new ally or an enemy. A soft tap on the door caught my attention, "Enter" I muttered, my brain cursing at me for still being up.

"Sorry to disturb Mr McKenzie, but I thought you should know that Miss Lively is gone" She speaks so softly that I almost didn't hear her.

"What do you mean gone?" The woman knew better than to run away, especially after I warned her not to.

"Your brother took her someplace and wouldn't let me go with them" All the sleep gets drained from my body as anger takes over.

"Did he say where he's taking her?" I try to contain my anger but even I know I'm failing. "He didn't but he did ask her to wear something fancy" She looked scared for her life as if was going to punish her for letting this happen.

"It's alright, I'll take care of it" I speak, my hand already reaching for the phone that's lying on the table.

Elon picks up in the first ring, "Tell me they haven't sold her yet?" I don't waste a second. I'm moving rather quickly than expected for a person who's been low on sleep. On my way out I spot Doyle, my expression must've given him the command because he nods at me before walking out the front door and starting up the car.

"She's here with me but something bad happened" As if there were anything left to happen, I get in the car and Doyle begins to drive.

"What?" I ask impatiently.

"I'll just let you see when you get here" Does my brother not know that I hate surprises? I'd rather know now what the fuck I'm about to deal with than wait until I reach there. The drive to the club we own is a crushing fifteen minutes, during which I'm constantly twiddling my thumbs.

Checking my phone. Looking out the window. Checking my phone. Looking out the window.

It's a never ending circle. I shifted my attention to things like how the hell am I going to get her out of this? And will my father even allow it? I keep telling myself that I'm not going to enter into the auction and outbid every single man there, but truth be told I'm willing to do that. That should be my last resort though. I'm starting to think about the thoughts running through her mind at the moment, when we pull into the parking lot. Does she think I did this? After all that I said about protecting her, I set her up to be sold off. Would she really believe that? After all I'm the one who put her in this spot.

When I reach my office, there's not a single soul outside but I know she's in there I can hear her muffled sound from the other side of the room. As I open the door I try to prepare myself for whatever's about to come, but no amount of preparation could've saved me from the rage that filled me the second I saw the woman sitting in my chair with streaks of blood pouring from her forehead.

"What did you guys do?" I asked furiously, getting Elon's attention.

"It was Luca. We were on our way here, she fought and Luca got angry" My brother groans as he runs a hand through his hair, obviously distressed. But I couldn't care less, my gaze was stuck on the woman, she didn't see me yet with her head lowered, her body trembling with fear or pain. Or maybe both. And one of our men did this.

"Why the fuck didn't you take her to the hospital?" Even with the distance between us, I could tell she is in a bad state. "Because father asked me to bring her here. I've made the call, any second now the doctor should be here" Fucking bastard. Not Elon, I mean my father.

"Doyle get Luca" I grit through my teeth, making my way towards my desk. It is only when I reach her does she actually look up at me and it's like she stops everything around me for minutes. Her usually deep green eyes are almost black and stone cold with red streaks around the edges. As Doyle enters the room along with Luca, I grab hold of every shred of anger inside my body and channel it towards him. I charge at him with a level of ferociousness that I didn't even know existed. I grab hold of the man who has worked years for me and started throwing punches at him.

"You fucking touched her" I kept going, surprising myself and everyone else in the room. I assumed that maybe beating the crap out of him would make me feel better but I was so wrong and it ticked me off further. I shoved the man brutally against the wall, blood oozing from the side of his mouth as I reached for the gun that always rests in a holster at my waist. It's been a while since I used it but that didn't mean I will think twice. Luca's eyes go wide when he sees pointing the gun to his face.

"Sorry boss, it won't happen again" He begs for his life and I almost laugh out.

"Damn well, it won't happen again" I'm about to pull the trigger when something stops me.

"I don't like guns" Elle whimpers as she stands behind me, body still shivering with every breath she is consuming. Anger is replaced by concern as I meet her gaze and lower the gun.

"Out. Everyone"

Doyle helps Luca out of the room. I'm not done with him yet but I'll get to that later. "How much longer for father to get here?" I ask Elon, from the glass wall behind my desk I can already see the old, wealthy men that have arrived. Ready to place their bets.

"I'm gonna say not much" He leans against the wall, his eyes looking at me curiously with a knowing smile.

"Alright then, Miss Lively, do you know why you're here?" Every time I look at her swollen face, I feel a tug in my chest.  I'm going to make him pay for this. She shakes her head in a silent no and I clench my fist.

"Don't do that" From the way things look right now, I can tell she got a big blow and probably a concussion will take suit soon.

"My father plans on selling you tonight, the highest bidder gets to take you" Her eyes went wide in horror with my words and I frown as I think maybe I should've put it in a better way. But then again what is a better way to say this?

"Please, don't—I'll try to get hold of my father. I'll pay back whatever he owes you-" The way panic hits her I knew I had to stop her before she passes out.

"Breathe. It's okay. I have two options for you, we go ahead with auction and Elon buys you out. You'll belong to him after that but I can assure it'll be better than those men out there..." or that's what I'm hoping for at least.

I search her eyes for something, anything that'll give away she's willing to take that offer but I get nothing out of those lifeless eyes. I'm going to fucking rip his hands out for this.

"What's my other option?" She questions, and I see a small spark of hope.

She isn't that easy to break. If you pick out her beauty and leave it aside, this woman will still shine bright with her persistence to fight whatever comes her way. That clears up all the doubt in my head and I give her the other way out of this. The one offer I actually do want her to take.

"Marry me"


I bet you guys didn't see that coming!!!

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CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now