34. Logan

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Shooting out what I'm hoping to be the last email for today, I shut down the desktop. The knock on the door gets my attention as Doyle pops his head in.

"Everything's ready, Boss" He tells me and I nod at him, ready to make the biggest gamble of my life. If everything goes according to my plan tonight, I'll be one step closer to victory, but if I lose, I might end up giving up what's possibly become one of my greatest treasures.

"With all due respect boss, I don't think Mrs McKenzie is going like this" I have been fully aware of that the second this plan came to my mind but the fact that Doyle has pointed it out now, just shows me how throughly fucked I'm going to be when this all actually goes down.

My head turns on it's own as I hear the click of her heels approaching. Elle looks nothing short for stunning wearing a royal blue dress, a perfect contrast to her emerald green eyes. She passes me a dazzling smile and I remind myself to take a mental picture of it as this could be the last time she gives me that.

"You look beautiful" I compliment her, hoping she'd know I'm being dead serious.

I help her into the car, pulling her close to my side. The mere thought I might lose her tonight makes me want to turn around, call this whole thing off, take her home, undress her and fuck her until she screams my name.

"Are you alright?" She looks up, wide eyed, tempting me once again.

"Of course"

We reach the village of Cairnryan in the next hour and half or so. "Where are we going, Logan?" Elle questions as we walk towards my yacht.

"You'll see" I tell her, not knowing what else to say. Clearly, I had not taken into account her curious nature and how I'd be responding to it. I'd only pray that was the only aspect I'd failed to pan out.

We board the ship, riding the waters for the next two hours. Throughout our journey Elle looked completely clueless, but never once did she look nervous or scared and part of me believed it's because she's started to trust me. That knowledge itself was enough to jab my heart. Once we dock the ship, Doyle hops off, tying us to the harbour and I help Elle out.

Her eyes are scanning the surroundings, learning, the exact way she did the night I kidnapped her and brought her to the mansion. This time it's different thought, I'm not letting anyone touch her. I cup her face, "Remember I promised I'll always protect you" I add. She frowns and I can almost guess the next words about to slip off her lips. Not wanting to lie, I capture her lips in a kiss, savouring every bit of her sweetness.

"I thought you were going to keep me waiting the whole fucking evening" John's voice pulls us apart.


Why is he here?

This wasn't the plan! We weren't supposed to meet here! I was supposed to give her a heads up before she talks to him!

I never thought of John to be someone who wouldn't keep his words. Turns out I was wrong and now the way Elle's looking at me, I know this has already gone horribly wrong.

"Logan, why did you bring me here?" She questions.

"You fucking bastard, this wasn't the deal!" I roar at John. The anger of having being betrayed boiling my blood, the exact same feelings that she is going through at the moment.

"Answer my question Logan! Why did you bring me here?" She shrieks, stepping away from me. Her frame shaking with either rage or the cold, costal wind that's whipping her hair and her dress in all possible directions, but she didn't care.

"Looks like you didn't fill her in yet. Allow me, Logan made a deal with me, where I get to spend some time with you and in return he gets that contract he's been trying to persuade me for months now" John tells her a half-assed story.

"That wasn't the fucking deal, I told you I'll bring her to you and then it's her call if she wishes to speak to you" My eyes are set on Elle and her shivering body. I take a step towards her but she raises her hand, clearly wanting me to stop.

"Don't come near me" Her voice is a weak whisper that only I could hear.

"Well, you were taking too long so I decided to speed up the process" Now he makes a move towards her, adding, "Let's go, shall we? I have other things to attend to after this"

"Fuck you!" Elle screams, tears now pouring down her gorgeous face. "Fuck all of you! I'm going back and none of you'll can stop me" She glowers at each one of us, turning to board the ship again.

"You don't get to waste my time like that!" John grunts as he and his men pull out their guns, pointing it to the back of her head. Unfazed by the threat she continues her way and my reflexes kick in as I pull out my pistol and so does Doyle.

"If she leaves, you can forget about that contract" He tells me and I want to laugh, I never did this for the fucking contract. The only reason I planned tonight was to protect her, but I ended up hurting her anyway. A bad move on my part and I need to make amends right away.

"To hell with your contract, we're done here" I aim straight for his head, I should just shoot him right now. No one gets to go against me this way. "You're outnumbered, you can't leave, this is my turf" He laughs menacingly.

"You might want to count again" I tell him as I signal all my men who had been hiding along the dock. "You really thought I was going to let her come to you without any protection?"

"You're going to regret this one day" He lowers the gun when he realizes he's at a disadvantage.

"Trust me, I'm already regretting this and you're going to fucking pay for it" I follow behind Elle, my nerves still raw as I go looking for her. I find her locked up in the bathroom underneath, "Elle, open the door, let me explain" I tuck the gun away.

"Listen, this isn't how tonight was supposed to go" I sigh when she doesn't respond.

"I was never going to actually leave you there with him—" I add, my voice cracking as she opens the door and stands in front of me. Her crying face displaying all sorts of emotions. Hurt. Betrayal. Pain. Basically all the things I had been trying to keep her away from. I reach out to pull her close to me but she side steps me, her look of disgust sending a jolt of pain through my chest.

"Do not touch me" She hisses and I raises my hands in surrender.

"The only reason why I planned this was to get information out of John. I had to know why he's been looking for you. I tried to get answers from him before and I knew he wouldn't talk if I were with you tonight. I was supposed to tell you everything on our way to the hotel. At the end of the day it was supposed to be your call whether you wanted to talk to him or not. I just figured you'd agree because you wanted to know more about your father but he fucking went back on his words. I shouldn't have trusted him" I quickly try to make right what has turned into a nightmare.

"It's my fault for trusting you in the first place. I fucking told you, you made me feel safe last night and this is the first thing you do after that, trade me off for some business benefit" Her voice is so venomous, I've never heard it before. Not even when she threatened to kill me and my family.

"It was never a business benefit! I made it look like that because John wouldn't agree for anything else. If I told him I wanted nothing out of this, he wouldn't believe me. You were my priority in this whole situation, I had my men covering the whole place, the dock and the hotel. I wouldn't have let anything happen to you" My head throbs as I wish I could go back in time and never leave the house.

"I can't bring myself to believe a thing you say right now so please leave me alone" Her arms come up to cross in front of her chest, her palms rubbing the skin on her forearm. How I wanted to pull her close right now and hug her. But I've ruined this too much and I can only hope leaving her alone for sometime will lessen the damage that's been done.

Oh no! There's trouble in paradise!

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