Coming to Your Senses

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I am so sorry i haven't updated in like a month, i've been really busy with a bunch of test so i haven't found the time to update. I promise that i will be updating a lot more now, and if you had noticed, i have changed up some things in the previous chapters but it's still basically the same. xo

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death - Robert Fulghum

Chapter 11: Coming to Your Senses

Alison's POV:

I woke up to the bright sun shining up our hotel room, I stretched my arms above my head but I quickly pulled them down when my body reminded me of the pain in my stomach.

I notice that Emily's not lying next to me? Where is she?

"Good morning." Emily says, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I ask, lying back down on the bed.

"Um, not really." Uh oh.

"Wh- why?" I stutter, afraid of the answer.

"Who's Cyrus?"

My head snaps up and my blood turns cold. How the hell did she know about Cyrus? What was going to happen to me now? What was going to happen to her? Cyrus might hurt Emily if she knows anything, I can't live with that possibility.

So I do the only thing I know how to do;


"Who?" I ask.

"You said his name last night, I think you were asleep." Shit.

"Yeah, I probably had some weird dream, but I don't remember a certain Cyrus." I reply shakily and Emily nods her head, walking away from me.

A week later we are boarding our flight back to Rosewood. I sit next to Emily and Aria while Spencer and Hanna were behind us.

I close my eyes thinking about the past week. This week was supposed to be the best week of my life but instead it turned out to be the worst. Emily kept on trying to push me to tell her something but I kept my lips sealed. Maybe- just maybe, now that we'll be thousands of miles away from Cyrus I could tell her.


The flight attendant announced that we will be taking off any minute now. The remaining passengers were boarding the plane and I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glims of a familiar looking tattoo.

The man put his carry-on under his seat and turned around in my direction. My sight seemed to fail as I whiteness the horrifying creature standing in front of me.


Cyrus smirked at me before sitting down in his seat. He had the same filthy clothes he had on the day he-

Tears started running down my cheek and Emily looks over at me worriedly.

"Alison, what's wrong?" Emily brushes the remaining tears away from my face.

"This week hasn't exactly been what you planned, right?"

Emily gave me a small smile, "I don't mind, just the fact that I actually got a chance to go to Paris with you, you have no idea how long I've waited to kiss you on top of the Eiffel Tower."

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