29. The Art Of Sneaking Out

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I hope you guys liked Christopher's perspective!


Christopher was right. After a while, Lord Wheat left the table and disappeared to probably his study. You would think his beloved wife and daughter would notice, or even care, but no, they were too deep in conversation about me to care.

"Oh, I know some brilliant homes you can look at, and they're just down the road from us too!" Lady Wheat exclaimed.

I shrunk back into my chair. Oh, why did I agree to this?

"Surely, the captain would want a say in this!" Katherine said. "She can't decide it all!"

"Katherine, a home is a woman's job to take care of, and it was very considerate and sweet of the captain to allow Anne to have the chance to pick her forever home for her family. One day you will understand."

When her mother wasn't looking, Katherine rolled her eyes. "Can it at least be somewhere else? Does she have to live right down the road?"

"Oh, why not? At least then, I can help Anne when she's pregnant!" Lady Wheat cooed with a bright smile.

Children! When did children come into the conversation? I thought we were talking about buying a house, and even that is hard to not pass out over!

"U-unless you would prefer to live near your parents, dear. Excuse my excitement. I don't want little oh me to-"

"No, it's fine!" I tried to say. Oh, what am I doing! "My parents don't care where I live."

My heart ached the moment those words left my mouth. Why was I doing this for Christopher again? Oh yeah, so I could hurry up with this mission to get the hell out from under his rule! Freedom, I'm fighting for my freedom!

"What joy! I can help you two set up your new home. I'll find you the best servents, the best furniture, oh, and we can't forget the fabrics! How exciting! You don't know how much happiness you brought me, Anne!"

I smiled. Poor girl, she didn't know the half of it. I'm dealing with something much bigger than the houses she was suggesting to me. I'm dealing with a bloody, conniving thief that gets the utmost pleasure of getting the title of a pirate!

A few dinner guests left the table, taking along their wives and husbands to another part of the mansion, while I stayed at the table with an exciting Lady and an angry Katherine.

Dinner and dessert were long over, and Christopher's been upstairs for a while now. Of course, nobody noticed, involved with their own business and all, but I did. Oh, how I did. Had he found that damn necklace yet?

"Oh, and Anne, I know the best place where we can find cutest baby clothes! Maybe in the future, I could show you?" Lady Wheat said in a small voice.

I nodded, going along. "That would be lovely, thank you, but you must excuse me, I believe my husband needs help finding that handkerchief of his, and it's getting pretty late. I think we're going to turn in for the night. Goodnight, ladies," I said, getting up and curtsying.

They both said their goodnights and went our separate ways. Lady Wheat probably to find her husband and the ever so grown up Lady Katherine to rant about me to a doll. Either way, I got to see what my husband was up too.

When I walked into our room, I found him in an armchair. He had a book in his hands and his feet on an ottoman. He looked up at me.

"Have a good time?" He asked.

"It was..." I took a moment to think of the right word to use. "Pleasant. Did you get the necklace?"

He smirked and reached in his pocket only to pull out a pearl necklace. He dangled it in front of me.

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