40. Surprise Guests

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"My, the food looks delicious," Christopher said to Lady Wheat, gazing at the food in my hands.

"Yes, terrific," I added.

Lady Wheat beamed with joy, hearing such compliments about her hard work picking the food for tonight. As if she were the one who prepared it.

Even Katherine looked at my plate for a second and licked her lips. I guess I wasn't the only one dying for something to eat.

"So tell me, Anne," Mr. Connelly said. "Have you picked a home yet? I had heard there are some available;e homes not far from here."

I swallowed the tart I had in my mouth. "Yes... I, uh, had heard that too. I-, uh, Christopher, dear. Why don't you tell them? I'm sure you would like to have a say in this."

Christopher flashed a kind smile. "Yes. We had heard, and I believe that is where we will be looking, although we are no so sure about what we want yet."

"A study, Captain. That is what you want - the perfect place to be when you have a wife and children running about," the Lord said, winking at Christopher.

"James!" His wife protested. "Control yourself!"

The Lord laughed, "Yes, get a suitable study."

Everyone around joined in the laughter, all except me. I was trying to get over the fact that the Lord had said, 'when,' and nobody had corrected him.

It was just a matter of time before Christopher, and I found a house, and I got pregnant to everyone here. Had my life been planned out? It had seemed that way, and it was all based on a lie - a story.

They all made it seem that nothing exciting or even remotely interesting was ever going to happen to me, and I guess you could say the same for Christopher.

Sure, Christopher had the privilege of being a captain of the British Army and could go anywhere he pleased, but it was a lie. Here, he was nothing more than a man with a career taking care of his family. It wasn't any different than any other man in this country, let alone the world.

I started seeing why Christopher became a pirate. He knew there was much more out there for him.

Once the laughter died down, and everyone got their barrings, Lady Wheat said, "Oh, it looks like the first dance is about to begin."

Instantly, everyone's eyes flung to the middle of the ballroom, where couples began to crowd, and the orchestra began to start up.

"Care to dance, my dear?" Lord Wheat said to his wife, holding out his hand for her to take. The Lady smiled and put her hand in his, and he led her out to the crowd.

Then, it was Mr. Connelly that asked Katherine. Katherine's face couldn't have been brighter and more joyful. She nearly yanked his arm off, pulling him into a dance.

I watched them go, shaking my head with disapproval.

With them gone, I heard Christopher clear his throat. "Darling," he said. I turned my head.


He smirked, and I knew what he was going to ask next. He held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I returned his smirk and placed my hand in his. "You may," I said, and he swept away to the dance floor.

I didn't know how to dance since I had never had the practice, but I did know the basics, so I did as I was supposed to and got in the position. But when Christopher's hand found my waist, I almost passed out. I calmed, though, when the music began to play, and we began to dance.

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