I've Got You (Ubbe Ragnarsson)

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Summary: You had a nightmare about Ubbe being stabbed in a fight and bleeding out. You confront him and tell him to stay, but he's just as stubborn as his father and won't back down. The two of you fight over it. You didn't part in the best of terms. When he comes back, he's mortally wounded.

You were a healer which by itself was a gift but you also had a special gift, which was looking into the future or seeing visions in dreams that always came true.

On one cold night you were sleeping and had a nightmare, you were screaming and saying no constantly, until your husband Ubbe woke you up.

"Hey hey I'm here, it's just a nightmare, no one is gonna dare touch you while I'm alive" he said trying to calm you down.

You were sweating and the your clothes were wet, you hugged him and he held you in his arms.

" This was different.... It was about you" you said as you looked up at his his face,still holding on to him.

"How bad was it?" he asked you.

" Very bad. It was so intense as though it was real. You went to war with your brothers and I saw you getting stabbed in the chest, your wound was severe and you fell on the ground. When everyone returned I saw your brothers but not you. I asked Björn where you were but he didn't answer, all he did was look me in the eyes with sadness and then he hugged me, after that you woke me up".

"It was just a nightmare". He said pulling you closer to him and kissing your forehead.

" You know it's not. Every time I have a nightmare it comes true, Every.Time" you told him with certainty in your voice.

"Maybe not this time. We make our own fate, we are the masters of our destiny" he said trying to convince you that it might not happen.

" If only that were true my love" you said caressing his face.

" Come on let's go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow".

The day after was colder as the night before. You woke up to the sound of wind, rain and thunder. You looked beside you but Ubbe was nowhere to be found.

You jumped out of bed and put on your cloak and went searching for him. You were afraid that he might have gone already. You called his name many times but there was no response.

You went to the main hall and finally saw him. He was laughing and preparing himself for war with his brothers.

" I've been searching for you for the last 30 minutes and calling your name in the rain and wind. I was worried sick about you, and here you are preparing for war and laughing like it's nothing" you said with anger in your voice.

He took you quickly by the arm away from his brothers not wanting them to hear about your nightmare " Okay okay, I'm here now. I'm sorry if I made you worry about me, that was not my intention".

"What was your intention? To leave?" you looked at him and seeing from his facial expressions he was going to with his brothers without a doubt.

" Oh wow, you were going to leave no matter what. Were you going to say goodbye at least?" you asked him with disappointment on your face.

" The truth is no, I wasn't. I didn't want to make this hard on you."

" Hard on me? You are the one in danger not me. Please don't go!" you begged him.

" You know I can't, even if I wanted to, which I don't" He said with pride.

" Why not? Your brothers would understand. And if you're worried that people might think you're a coward, don't worry they wouldn't dare".

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