06 | Milan

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The duration of the drive in the tour bus from Verona to Milan is two hours

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The duration of the drive in the tour bus from Verona to Milan is two hours. Harry was pulled away by Lux at her request that he play a game with her when boarding the bus. Louis saw this as the perfect opportunity to separate us and announce it was about time we had a catch-up chat. He led me to the end of the bus away from everyone, and we sat down by the window with the beautiful Italian landscape as the backdrop to our conversations. Half an hour or so into the journey there is a break in our conversation, and Louis' demeanour slightly changes.

"New sweater, Liv?" he questions in a teasing manner, as I'm sure it is a bit obvious that the sweater is a little too big to pass as my own.

"Yeah! Do you like it?" I ask and pose a couple of times to show it off, which makes him laugh.

Ever since Harry introduced me to them, the boys have been like older brothers to me, and we all have that sibling kind of relationship. They all have protection over me like they would a younger sister, which is great for me since I don't have any siblings of my own. My friendship with each of them is unique in its way, and Louis is someone I get along with so well. We have always had a closeness. He has always been someone I can go to at any time to have a chat about anything. He is like the older brother I never had, with the way he teases me and looks out for me.

"So, I heard that you spent the night in Harry's room," he states this rather than asks in a taunting tone, and I find myself choking on the water I just sipped.

He is amused by my reaction, while I gape at him with wide eyes. My mind has gone into a blank state of shock at his statement. I have no words. My mind frantically scrambles for my best attempt at defending Harry and myself.

Louis is quite a mischievous person. I can only imagine the assumptions he has in regards to the situation. It does not look good on both mine and Harry's parts. We tried to be discreet this morning, and Harry even went as far as to scan the hallway before we both left his room. Why? Because we were worried about this exact situation.

"It's not what you, it's not like that, we were just sleeping...in the same...bed." I trail off at the confused expression Louis is giving me, not quite sure what to make of it.

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