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Believing is more spiritual than you think, putting your mind on one thing ,is something and believing in that thing is another for both believing and thinking must be put up by you to yourself, you need to believe yourself, you do not need someone to believe you before doing what you want to do, do what you ought to do and leave that thing you become or do. to bring up believe in people minds about you, no one is an island but on this we must know that the best player for your success is you . you are the coach and also the players, you are not coming to the stadium to look at all your fans, you came so your fans can watch you , and if you want to win the game you must first start by believing in yourself that you going to win and also your team mate by this it will give a good team spirit called self confidences.

 However you must known this try not to allow the crowd to make you feel big by their shout but know that you already big , win not just because you want to get the honour but because the honour was always yours you just came to take it , don't try to be in competition with someone ,be in competition with yourself by challenging yourself and try not to impress anybody but yourself. believing in your self is something you do every time by telling your mind were you are heading , and in believing it will amount to self confidences ,they must be a proclamation and confession from your mouth that is the practical aspect of believe ,when you do that you get yourself into the realm of where you are to attain in life. still I know you still don't really know what believe is all about let me explain it to you clearly.

 Believe: acknowledging who you are with joy and pleasure, with patients, been persistence about something you have a strong desire and conviction for.

In it practical aspect of believe , okay you were giving a small cup with a spoon and you were ask to full water to the beam of the cup and you went to take the water with the cup but they say no , we give you some hours to fill that cup with water with the spoon. and you start filling the water into the cup with the spoon knowing that it must reach the beam of the cup. you putting water with the spoon into the cup , you exercise patients and you know the cup is going to full by using the spoon ,that is believe and that gives birth to faith. and soon after you full the cup with the spoon and they clap their hands for you , to show that you worth the success. okay see this other case in practical aspect of lack of believe , someone else was giving a cup to be filled with that spoon you use and the person was not told whether the cup should be full to the beam, and am asking will the persons not stop half and say is rubbish , why because he did not believe but because they did no defined where he is going to stop and that ,brought lack of believe.

 It is very important i tell you, for you to believe in who you are , first mostly after knowing who you are , do not look back about your surrounding or were you from because you may get weary and stop believe , but if you do not like your surrounding move forward and get a better one , forget about where you are from just focus where you are going that the most important thing, you must learn some principles in believing. “you can never be or be successful in anything or move to a next apex except you hate the formal you were in, if you do hate something that means you love it and so that thing cannot depart from you but if you, hate the old thing and seek for a better one i know one thing that the lord God almighty has make in this universe ,you will always get the new thing you seek.

 you must hated something to get a better one 

 You must understand that Love is universal and even the creator portray it by sending his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to show his love to human not the world but to humans in the world because we human he love so much, so love is powerful so , if you love something that what you get and if you hate something you can never get what you hate.

 Looking at men that believe and know their self worth they are all who they think they are, men in the likes of Eric Hoffer , Abraham Lincoln that show so much believe in himself, Warren Buffett one of the top 10 richest men in this world presently , Thomas Edison, what about a man of great virtue Bill Gate he was not good in Microsoft when in school but his friend was the best, bill even drop out of school but he still believe of who he really is and bill always know in his mind that he will own Microsoft ware ,even when he did not pass all the course in his class but his friend did pass all , and you know what bill gate had a conviction of who he is by believing , and I tell he is who he say he is going to be and now he is but his friend never thought of owning or creating Microsoft ware but to work and so it came , bill class mate and friend work for bill gate. so you see believe in you self because you are who you choose to be not what people say .

I want you to start now time wait for nobody the time is always right for you to start , you are who you think you are that is you as far as you accept it of who you are so the universe open it gate and supply you with all that is needed for you to accomplished who you want to be and ought to and you know what God always see to it that every of his glory or children that have known who he or she is must reach were he or she head to in life.

Even in the bible it was stated that Jesus Christ our savoir believe God Almighty his father that he can be resurrected and so he was resurrected by God Almighty from the dead and we children of God were reconciled to God through Jesus Christ,

 Now you can do anything you have no limitations

 the only limitations is the one you set by

 yourself through words that proceed from your mouth.

Know this what so ever come out from your mouth is not just a word but a confession. and of the resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ , it is not that God those not have the power to resurrect Jesus Christ, God has the power , But he God really want to know if his son really believe in him by become mortal and die and been resurrected back not in just spirit in body and flesh. so let me tell you if God can give his son to die for us and Jesus Christ accept to come and die for us when we were still sinners , know this we are extract superhuman you are possibilities, you are success you are wealth and riches .

So know this you can be anything you want to be on this earth just know who you are and what you want believing on it.

Because for you to know that you are so precious and can be anything with no limitation , God show it by sending his son to die so that we can be free. okay let's do something practical , if you are earning $1 billion dollars every month , will you spent on something not useful to you or you will spent it on something useful to you?. so the lord God almighty show it clear that we are so useful and precious to him and we have qualities, of him , that why he sent his only son to die , So that we are sin free.  good but you going to ask okay the author say everybody is riches itself ,prosperity itself, success itself then why every person on this earth is not rich and wealthy or successful ?. And the answer is because they love were they are and very most importantly they do not know who they are , and what they can do. because for example every country in this earth has a valid constitution , that states the right of it citizen and you see mostly citizen right are been violated and they do nothing not because the country do not love them but because the citizen do not know their right and to know his or her right he or she must get hold of the constitution of his or her country and not only holding it but knowing what it entailed and your right and when he or she knows his or her right nobody can down play with his or her integrity or right. so this much also applied in defining who you are and your success, for success can not start outside like that it must be first from your thinking mind ,believing then the spiritual will bring the success to the physical and for you to succeed you must hate failure. and know that you can never fail but ever success and success will be your conviction. same applied to anything you want and want to become. they must be a hate and then a love for another. loving also shows you believe in what you love.

Get thinking now all over with your imagination and please do not think of drinking strong drinks that it will assist you imagination please wake up the strong drink will destroyed it , I mean is going to destroyed your thinking imagination real thinking imagination is done at a quiet moment just you , your spirit, God and the universe. So when you lay hold on who you are believe that by loving it , to know who you are choose who you want to be and then love it. on

The next chapter we are going to be discussing about strong drinks , women and your desire.

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