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 Many do not understand the context of this chapter title but am going to narrate it to you.

 Saucing: is like adding something to beautify an existence object or thing.

Edge: is also means at a point, like the edge of a sword that means the pointed area of a sword that can be use to pin the sword on any object.

 Victory: when you have victory it does not mean you are about to succeed but victory means you have overcame and you have succeeded already.

Another: simple put to add.

With this definition of this terms use in chapter four title you will get to understand what am trying to explain to you, it is how ever observed that many including the younger generation when they achieve victory over something important to them they think they have arrive, in that case they no more need more of that victory and so end up settling for the position they have already attain.

 Well it is good to settle but never settle for the less or for the one that you already have , move forward to acquire more , you need more , well i do not know how you want to succeed in life , but any person who understand who he or she really is will go for more even when he or she has already gotten victory still move to acquire more success. For example MR ford always supplier his exotic cars to Germany and he make a total sum of $34.1Billion each year for the supplied of his exotic cars to Germany. and he is still trying again to expand his exotic cars sales in United states ,North Korea, Kampala ,United Arabic Emirate . so that he can still end more , but you will said that he is greedy , no that is not greediness it is business and that is success , you will also say the $34.1Billion he earn from Germany sales is enough for him to live he is already rich, yes he is already rich indeed may be $34.1Billion is enough for you but not for him , you need to understand that riches has stages yet to be unfold, what Mr Ford is doing is business and the money is success story and the expansion is simple Mr Ford do not settle for less he still want more that how a successful person should always think and do never settle for the less or be okay for the stage you have attain strive for more stages and success .

for riches has kinds and types if you have not study the kind and types or stages of riches, you will not understand what am saying , you may be worthy $47.Billion as your worth and you think you are the richest and one day you found that someone else bought a wedding gown for his wife for $47Billion and still have more and to you $47Billion is yourself worth that you think you have finally reach.

 So if you always want to be at the top always, then nothing about success should be enough for you , go for more never settle for less, see human beings can reach even quadrillions, is just your imagination and thinking. self worth is personal. if you have not know yourself worth then you have not started the journey because you can never start anything when there is no definition of what you want to start, or purpose. everyone have a self worth if you have never decide before, then decide yours now.

So are you ready to sauce your success more so that it will get more sweet aroma. To be always victorious you have to reshape your creative imagination with which we will be discussing in the next chapter , reshape your understand and characters.

 Next chapter is creative imaginations.

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