WG 64

212 17 0

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aruelia suddenly woke up
when she felt something
really weird.

she roamed her eyes around.
❝ so i slept at my living room,❞
she thought.

she stretched herself and was
about to stand, when she
suddenly hear footsteps.

not outside her condo,
but inside.

she froze and held her breath.
she heard footsteps again, so
she followed where those are
coming from. she followed it
until she reached her bedroom.

suddenly, the lights turned
off . . . then someone gripped
her neck.

she tried to remove the grip
of the culprit, yet the culprit
is so strong and the grip is
too tight.

she tried to shout for help
yet the only thing she can
do is whisper, she's running
out of breath.

❝ h-help.❞

before she ran out off breath,
the grip on her neck loosen.

❝ i'm sorry miss, this is just my
task. but if i were you, just do
your task, for your own sake.
good luck and i hope you'll live
longer,❞ a man whispered with
a shaky voice.

he let go of the grip on her neck.
causing aruelia to fell on her bed.
she coughed several times and
her vision is becoming blurry.
she looked up on the person who
almost killed her, yet she only
saw her bedroom's door open
before passing out.

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