The Worst party ever

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Bethany's P.O.V.

We were all having the best time until Connor tried to do a back flip and fell onto his head in the pool. He was rushed to hospital. We left Connors house and rushed to the hospital a soon as possible. We were all worried out of our minds. It was already 10 pm I had to be home at 10:40.

"Um excuse me nurse, are we allowed to see the patient?" I asked worried.
"Sure but only two at a time" she said kindly.

I entered the room. Connor was watching T.V and resting.

"Hi" I said with a smile
"Hey" he said
"Are you feeling better" I asked worried
"A little bit, but my head hurts like crazy"
"Well I have to leave now. I have to be home by 10:40 and it's now 10:29" I said
"Bye" I hugged him "I'll visit you tomorrow" I said and left the room and I texted my sister to come and pick me up.

When I got home I took a nice hot and relaxing bath. I used my favorite Bath & Body Works shower gel, it was Berry scented. when I got out of the bath I put my Forever 21 pjs on and jumped into bed.

I decided to have a late night tweet spree. I tweeted "goodnight 😴" and put my phone down on my wooden side table and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I was woken up by my alarm at 7:00 am. Since it was early I decided to watch Pretty little liars on Netflix. When the episode was done I got freshened up in the bathroom. I walked downstairs and made myself some poptarts. I played Renegade by Cimorelli on my Spotify jut to wake myself up.

When breakfast was done I took a quick shower and decided to wear a black lace dress from Brandy Mellvile and some white converse with a black leather jacket.

I texted Amanda to see if she wanted to hangout with me

[Me😇- heyyy girl] I texted
[Amanda😋- what's up] she quickly replied
[Me😇- you wanna hangout with me?]
[Amanda😋- sure I will see you in 30 mins]

I got my car keys and walked out the door. I started my Jeep and drove to Amanda's.

I hooted 4 times, she eventually come out and got into the car.

"So do you want to go shopping?" I asked
"Sure" she replied
We drove to the grove and decided to go into Lush, Forever 21, Top Shop, Brandy Mellvile, Victoria's Secret and Target.

When were done shopping we decided to go to StarBucks. I ordered a Caramel Frappé and Amanda ordered a Chocolate Mocha.

We got into my car and drove to Amanda's house. We entered her house and entered her room. We decided to film a Haul video of what we had just bought together.

We had a blast. Unfortunately I had to leave. I said goodbye to her and drove back to my house.

It was already 7:00 pm I decided to watch some YouTube videos.

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