It All Started With A Question

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Giles had arrived at school early as usual. Adjusting his glasses as he squinted because of the sun, he spotted a women wondering the courtyard. She smiled when she saw him and approached.

"Can you help me?" She inquired when she was close.

He thought her voice sounded like angels and could only stare at her; her giggle brought him back.

Stumbling a little on he found the words, "Yes, I believe I could. Where...where is it you are going?" He asked.

"The theatre. I'm Miss Brown the new drama teacher, but you can call me Kennedy." She smiled holding her hand out.

Shaking it, "Giles, Rupert Giles." He told her before heading towards the theatre.

"So G what do you do here?" Kennedy asked following him.

Adjusting his glasses, "I'm the librarian here."

"I bet that's an interesting job." She said.

"More than you know. Well, here we are." Giles stood in front of the door.

Smiling at him, "Thanks. Maybe sometime later you can show me what makes being a librarian interesting." Winking at him before heading inside.

Giles was standing in the hall where Kennedy left him "Hey Giles." Buffy bounced over to him.

"Buffy? Oh hi." He said, a little off in his own world.

Tilting her head, "What are you doing here in the hallway all alone anyway?"

"What are you doing here so early?" He countered.

"Mrs. Miller let me make up the test I missed last week," Buffy answered.

Heading down the hall to the library, "You shouldn't be skipping your classes, Buffy."

"Next time I'll remember that when a group of vampires start terrorizing Sunnydale."

Nodding, "As long as you remember that." Walking into the library.

"He's completely wigged." Buffy shook her head at him.

Later that day the gang went to the library to see what Giles was up to but couldn't find him; the place seemed emptier than usual.

"I wonder where Giles is?" Willow pondered out loud.

Leaning on one of the tables, "Didn't know he was able to leave the library unless for emergencies." Xander joked.

Giles stood at the railing looking onto the courtyard of the school. He watched as Kennedy sat alone reading; he watched her munch away on her lunch as she turned page after page of what she was reading. Whatever it was she was reading held her attention well. He even lingered some when he saw Kennedy bookmark her place and leave.

Turning around he saw Kennedy behind him. "I'm not fond of people watching me eat my lunch. But I would enjoy some company while eating with a certain British librarian, that I could be fond of." Smiling at him.

Giles watched Kennedy walk away. "What are you staring at?" Buffy asked as she appeared at Giles' side.

"Noth...nothing." He stuttered.

Placing her hands behind her back, Buffy commented, "She's pretty."

"I do not know what you're talking about." Walking away from her.

Following him, "I believe you do. Who is she?"

"So how was patrol last night?" Giles asked, trying to change the subject.

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