Surprise First Date Ending, Maybe

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Going through another full practice, Kennedy was in one of the many rows watching. After she rubbed her face she saw Giles sitting next to her.

"Thought you might need this." Handing her a Crunch bar.

Taking it, "You're a savior."

"How's it going?" He inquired.

Taking a bite of her candy, "Ok so far. We're doing second run-through with the understudies."

"Make that last." Getting up.

Looking up at him, "Where are you going?"

"I have something that needs to be taken care of." He told her.

Making a sad face, "Awe ok. I hope you have fun. Oh, Giles don't forget this Friday opening night."

"I haven't forgotten."

"Pick me up at seven. My place." She told him.

Giles could only give a nod as he scurried off, Kennedy laughed to herself at his discomfort. Friday couldn't come fast enough for Kennedy. Not only did it mean they were one step closer to ending Romeo and Juliet, but she had her date with Giles. After the Friday day ended, Kennedy rushed home to spend time grooming.

Giles was again at another dilemma. Which shirt should he wear? He spent a good part of an hour before deciding on a blue shirt and his red tie with the brown jacket.

Seven came and found him standing outside Kennedy's home. Taking a deep breath, he held up his hand and knocked on the door. Kennedy opened the door in a white lace dress with black underneath that was breathtaking.

"Hi" She greeted.

Adjusting his glasses as he looked her over again. "Hi." He said slowly.

"You wore the blue shirt. That's my favorite on you." She complimented him. "So you ready?"

Nodding, "Mhmm....what?"

"Let's go." Closing the door behind her.

When the two sat off the side for the show Kennedy whispered, "You have to tell me what you think after the show. And be honest ok?"

"Sure." He whispered back.

As the play went on Kennedy inched her way closer to Giles. He looked down at her hand when she placed it on his. The warmth from her hand on his sent a shiver up his arm.

When the play ended, the two stayed off to the side. "So?" Kennedy asked.

"It was delightful." He answered.

Shaking her head with a smile, "You're secretly sad I picked Ashley for Juliet and not Sadie."

"Not at all." Watching her stand.

Placing her hands on her hips, "You're too nice G."

Kennedy and Giles were interrupted by a couple wanting to stop by to tell her how much they enjoyed the show; as soon as they left they were replaced by the principal.

"Miss Brown, Mr. Giles." He said.

Giving more of a grimace than a smile. "Principal Snyder," Kennedy said in an annoyed voice.

"Before I let you know what I thought of the play I just like to warn you that Mr. Giles and the crowd he has around him are bad eggs."

Crossing her arms firmly, "I am perfectly capable of making that decision on my own."

"So I've gathered; now on to the play. It was all right, but you could've done better."

Taking Giles' arm, "Probably, but I don't really need to please you. You don't bring in the money; the customers do." Pulling Giles away.

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