The Brady Bunch

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Giles had shown up unannounced the day before on the Summer's doorstep with three slayers. Everyone was surprised to see him back. The next day as Buffy came down for breakfast the door bell rang. Answering it, she opened the door to find a very pregnant Kennedy holding onto some girl's ear.

"Take her before I rip this teeny boppers head right off her neck." Pushing the girl in before waddling through the threshold.

Looking Kennedy up and down, "You''re pregnant."

"With a set of twins. Where's G?"

Coming around the corner. "Kennedy? What are you doing here?" He asked in shock.

"The midget slayer in training showed up on our doorstep. So here we are." Sucking some air through her teeth as she winced in pain, placing a hand on her stomach.

Giles went to her side, "What's wrong?"

"They won't stop kicking. I swear G if I end up with three boys you're sleeping on the couch for a very long time."

"I thought you said you were having twins," Buffy said in confusion.

Rubbing her stomach, "I am, but we have a three-year-old boy back home."

"Giles, when were you going to tell us this? And how come Willow didn't say anything?"

Holding up a hand, "We asked her not to. We were going to surprise you, but considering the circumstances, you get to find out this way." Kennedy told her.

The others finally joined them. "Whoa, Kennedy you're huge!" Xander gasped.

"Geez, you act as if you've never seen a pregnant person before. Now can we take the shock of me being huge to the dining room for some breakfast? I'm starving. Oh and that's your guys' new edition." Pointing to the girl she had brought before making her way to the table.

Willow gave Kennedy a hug before sitting next to her. "How is David?" She asked.

"He is doing fine; he misses you a lot. How about you?"

Smiling, "I'm doing fine and I miss him too."

"Who is this David? Your boyfriend?" Xander made a silly voice placing some food on the table.

The two looked to her. "Guess G didn't tell you. David is our three-year-old son."

"Guess he neglected to tell us that; right next to you being pregnant." Buffy looked at the kitchen where he was.

Dawn finally came downstairs for breakfast, "Kennedy! When did you get here?"

"Just now. I'd get up and give you a hug but the twins stopped kicking and I'd like to keep it that way."

Going over to give her a hug, "Oh my God congratulations."

"Well offer her another one-they have a three-year-old too," Xander commented.

Anya was walking in behind Xander. "So when did you two get married? Isn't that what people do? Get married then have kids."

"We're not. But I'm still waiting for him to ask me." She smirked when he walked in.

Giles rolled his eyes, handing her some tea; she thanked him as she took the cup from him. After breakfast, Kennedy was ready for a nap. Willow let her use her room since the bathroom would be right there. Giles helped her up to the room.

Making sure she was comfy. "Tomorrow you are going home." He informed her.

"No, I want to stay here." She gave him a pleading look.

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