Chapter 28 Broken Pieces

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"What the hell happened?" Troian immediately asked Shay as the three girls got out of their room. They didn't want to get involved during the fight, but when they heard Sasha leaving, they knew they have to know what's going on. When they saw their friend, their hearts immediately broke. Shay was a mess, she was on the floor with her hands covering her face. She was not saying anything.

Ashley and the two girls immediately sat beside their friend and tried consoling her.

"Hey, it will be okay," Ashley said. However, if she was to be truthful, she personally doesn't know if things will be okay, but she has to encourage her friend.

"Tell us what happened. We heard the two of you fighting, we sort of got the gist of things, but we want to hear the story form you," Lucy said.

Shay just stared at her friends, she knows they mean well, and she wonders if they will still be on her side if they hear what she did. She wanted to say something, to explain what happened, to tell her story, but she can't. She can't find her voice, she feels like her whole system is shutting down. She looked at Ashley, her eyes begging her friend to speak for her.

"She slept with Cece," Ashley said almost in a whisper.

"Wait?! What?!! Are you being serious? And you knew all this time?" Troian responded.

"Please, Troi. Listen to me first," Ashley said in a pleading tone.

Troian remained silent as if her silence is answer enough. Ashley looked at her two other best friends, she didn't plan on this. She didn't want to be the one to tell them everything, but she has no choice, Shay is in no condition to talk.

"It all started the night Shay and Sasha first broke up, that night at New Jersey," Ashley started.

She then narrated what happened between Shay and Cece, from that night at New Jersey up to the wedding of Archer and Dylan. She also told them about the time she noticed something was going on and how she forced Shay to tell her the truth. She told them everything, well almost everything. She left out the part where Cece kissed Shay at the yacht during their trip. Once she's done, she looked at her best friends, waiting for them to say something.

"Shay? What were you thinking?" Troian started.

"Troi? Take it easy on her. Believe me, I already gave her a sermon when she told me," Ashley said.

"Yes, Troi. Ashley's right, let's take it easy. They need us now, Shay and Sasha need us more than anything," Lucy said looking at Shay, offering her encouragement and support. She knows Shay's actions were wrong, but right now, there is no need to blame her. They must do something to help their friends. Lucy then realized they need to find Sasha. Her best friend just walked out on Shay and is all alone now, with nowhere to go.

"Sasha, we need to call Sasha," Lucy said to the group.

"Oh my! You're right, we need to find her," Troian said.

"I'll call her," Lucy said.

Lucy went to her room and called Sasha. She tried multiple times, but the blonde is not answering. She's getting worried now. Sasha is in a vulnerable state, she's broken as much as Shay, maybe even more. Her best friend needs her right now. She decided she has to find Sasha, she needs to find her best friend. Lucy gathered her things and immediately went out of her room.

"She's not picking up," Lucy said to the girls.

Everyone looked at her, including Shay.

"I'm going out to look for her," Lucy added.

"I'll come with you. Can you stay with Shay?" Troian asked looking at Ashley.

"Of course I can. I'll stay here. Contact me if you have news."

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