[13] hide & seek

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I was caring Nancy as I was walking with Rasha side by side towards my car. It was a quiet moment, no one said something. Expect Nancy, she sang a song that I've never heard before. As soon as I wanted to start a conversation Rasha already said something. '' So, you never told me you knew my sister and cousin... '' She said nervously. I looked at her looking down at the ground. '' I recently found out actually. '' I replied, she nod and sighs. '' Are you feeling better after yesterday? '' I asked her. She looks at me with a weak smile, '' Yes, I am. I only had a huge fight with my father today but nothing more. '' She answers.

'' I'm sorry. '' I say without thinking, she looks up at me confused. '' It's not your fault. '' She chuckles as she shakes her head. '' No, I'm sorry for what I did. '' I say with a serious tone this time. This time she looks down again at the ground, I wonder what was going through her head. '' It's fine, I already forgot about it. '' She lets out a humorless chuckle, I tried to explain myself but unfortunately, Nancy interrupted our conversation. '' Uncle Saiid, what did you do to Rasha? '' She asks with confusing eyes. I look at Rasha who looks at me, the next second Rasha laughs. 

'' Nothing we should worry about. '' She winks at Nancy as Nancy nods. I put Nancy in the backseat, I see Rasha getting into the passenger seat as I'm fixing Nancy's seatbelt. I walk over to the driver seat and get into the car. '' Let's go! '' Nancy shouts excitedly. Rasha laughs loudly, '' Are you this excited for some candy? '' She asks Nancy. '' Of course! '' She says clapping her hands. I start the car, '' Let's go then! ''


As Saiid was driving we were listing to Nancy's singing. She's been singing the song I taught her, sometimes when I'm bored I just write my own songs. So a few weeks ago I was babysitting her and I taught her the lyrics to a song I wrote while we were baking some cookies. '' there's a teddy bear and I don't quite know what to. '' She sang as I smiled, she, of course, changed the lyrics. '' Nancy, what song have you been singing all this time? '' Saiid asks her with a confused tone. '' Oh, that's Rasha's song. '' I see her pointing at me. Saiid turns his gaze at me, '' Rasha, continue it! '' Nancy shouts. I look back at her, '' No, we should not disturb Mr.Bashar while he's driving. '' I wink at her. 

'' No, It won't be a problem. You should continue it. '' He says, I give him a glare as he chuckles. '' Good things come to those who wait, but patience ain't my thing. '' Nancy sings with excitement so I could I finish the rest. I take a deep breath, I feel how nervous I am. It's because I don't like singing in front of people, not even my parents or my sister Aliah. I only sing for my friends and Nancy. '' The way he holds me, shows me, he's the one, for sure the one '' I sing with a light voice, it actually sounded really good. Mr.Bashar looks with a smile on his face, '' Wow, I didn't know you could sing. '' He said, why is he acting dumb? I already told him.

'' Why are you lying? Didn't I tell you the day when we ate together? '' I looked at him with raised eyebrows as I smile appeared on my face. His mouth turned to an 'O' as he nods, '' Ohh, yes I remember! That day you told me you wanted to be like Christin Alugeria? '' I laughed loudly at how he said Christina's name. '' What? '' He chuckled, not knowing what was going on. I laughed as I buried my face on my hands. '' Whatever. '' I looked up at him as I shook my head. 


Seeing her laugh made my whole mood light up, I loved seeing her happy. I want to see her smile and laugh, she's just so damn beautiful. We finally arrive at Walmart and I park the car. I see Rasha taking off her seatbelt and see her get out of the car to help Nancy get out of the car. I get off the car and see them standing next to the car excited. Nancy reached for my hand to hold it as she reached for Rasha's too. We were walking towards the entrance while Nancy was talking about what we should buy to make her happy again. '' Chocolate, chips, coco-cola and candy. '' She looks up at us. '' But Nancy too many sweets aren't good for your stomach, and your teeth. Plus what about our money? We're not supposed to spend all our money on sweets, am I wrong? '' Rasha says with a sweet tone.

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