[16] i like you saiid.

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I slowly walked into the girl's locker room as I was still trying to understand the fact that Mr.Bashar just kissed my forehead. He kissed my forehead... He freaking kissed my forehead. I placed my hand on my chest to calm my heart down. It feels like it's about to fly out, when I get in I look around and see only Medina left. She's waiting for me, but I notice that her expression is strange. It looks like she just saw a ghost. '' What's wrong? '' I stutter. She walks towards me, '' Is Mr.Bashar harassing you? '' She asks with a serious tone. Oh no! Don't tell me she saw that, don't tell me she saw when he kissed my forehead.

'' No, what do you mean? '' I let out a nervous chuckle. She looks me dead in the eye, '' Why did he kiss you?! '' She asks me with frustrated. '' He's totally harassing you! I'll kill that jerk- '' I interrupt her by covering her mouth with my hand to make her quiet. '' I like Mr.Bashar, I have feelings for him! '' I spat. Her expression turned into a confused one. A few seconds later of just staring at each other I finally let go of her. I look down to not make it awkward, '' What do you mean you like Mr.Bashar? '' She asks as she sits down to calm herself down. I look at her, I don't know what to say. '' It's a long story, Medina. '' I sigh, she gives me a smirk. Not a normal one though, a bad one. You know that smirk the devil has, yeah that smirk. '' Ohh honey we have all day long. ''

Then yes, I tell her everything that happened. From the Walmart meeting until today. And let me tell you Donia's reaction was nothing compares to Medina. Her reactions were scary yet funny. '' But that's all, we don't have a thing or anything. He doesn't like me like, he just kissed me because he comforted me... '' I finish with the swallow of a gulp. She closes her eyes slowly, '' I don't know what to say, but you're so fucking stupid. You're so fucking stupid. I can't believe it, you're so fucking stupid. '' She says loudly underneath her breath. I look at her, not knowing how to react. '' That stupid teacher loves you. '' She looks at me. I shake my head, '' Believe me, he doesn't. I promise you- '' She interrupts me by knocking on my forehead. I look at her shocked.

'' Listen girl, you don't know who you fall for. You just don't know when and where you'll meet the person you'll love for maybe forever. If you like him I'll be there for you if you need any help. But if you like him and you say that he doesn't like you, what should you do? '' She asks me. I look down at my hands. She's right, what should I do?


I slowly walk into the house with the thought of me kissing Rasha's forehead. I'm so stupid, why did I even do that?! As I walk into the living room I see everybody laughing and talking, then I notice Hala. Fuck, I forgot. I don't have fucking time for this, I need space to clear my mind. '' You're here! '' Jaffar looks at me with a smirk on his face. I look at Hala who looks at me with a smile placed on her face, '' Long time no see. '' Hala greets me. I nod at her as I look at her with a soft expression. '' How was work? ' Jaffar asks me, I shake my head. '' As always. '' I reply. I sit next to Nadia who has her arms folded, '' What do you work as Saiid? '' Hala asks me.

I sigh before I speak, '' As a teacher. '' I try to not look and sound annoyed. She suddenly chuckles, '' That's great! '' She says with excitement. The whole day goes by with the others talking and laughing with Hala, expect Nadia. I can see that she doesn't like Hala. She never likes the girls we date, she thinks they're too clingy and annoying. Before Hala goes home Jaffar forces me to drive her home. '' Bro, get her home. '' He pushes, but I don't insist. I can't let a woman go around in the streets on her own, so I do as he says. As we walk towards my car there's a silence between us. We get into the car and I start driving. Suddenly I feel her looking at me, '' Remember high school? '' She asks. I nod my head carefully as a reply.

'' I don't know if you knew, but I had feelings for you. '' She stutters. My reaction at what she said was nothing, I felt nothing. I actually noticed that she liked me, and I know I didn't like her so I decided to not talk to her no more so I don't hurt her. I only liked her as a sister, nothing more. '' I think I knew. '' I say, she lets out a humorless chuckle. '' Of course you did, I was too obvious. '' She joked, but it sounded more like a disappointment. I smile at her, '' I'm sorry, but I only liked as a friend. You know I'm not the typ- ''

'' I know, I know it's hard for you to fall in love. But please, let's try. I like you Saiid, and I really want to get to know you more. '' She interrupts me. I look at the driveway as I try to think, a part of me wants to but a part of me doesn't want me to. My brain tells me to forget Rasha and try things out with Hala, but my heart, fuck my heart. My heart wants me to love Rasha, her humor, her beauty and fuck her smile. The girls out there have nothing on Rasha, they're not like Rasha. But I just can't, I can't make her mine, she only thinks of me as a teacher, and it kills me. I take a deep breath before I speak, '' Fine. '' I mutter. She widens her eyes at me, '' Wow, great! '' She blushes.


We sit in Donia's room as Medina and I listen to Donia's conversation. They talk about baby names and where they want to travel on their honeymoon. Medina and I have barely talked after that incident. It's been really awkward between us. Tamara and Donia look at us confused, '' okay wow, what's wrong with you guys? '' Tamara lets out a chuckle. Donia looks at us with furrowed eyebrows. '' You guys don't know what I witnessed. '' Medina burst out. I look at her with a death glare, '' What did you witness? '' Tamara asks. I pinch Medina's arm to make her mouth shut. She looks at me as she has a devil smile on her face. '' Mr.Bashar kissed- '' She tries to tell them but I jump on her. I sit on her stomach and cover her mouth. '' Keep. Your. Nasty. Mouth. Shut. '' I say but she still has that smile on her face. '' Okay, what is going on? '' Donia laughs. Medina tickles me and I happened to fall off her, yes I'm very ticklish. '' Mr.Bashar kissed Rasha's forehead! ''

I suddenly feel everyone's eyes on me, Donia and Tamara have the confused-shocked look on their face. I bit my lower lip as I slowly locked my eyes, '' This bitch. '' I whisper to myself. '' Medina, what are you saying? '' Tamara furrow her eyes at Medina. Medina laughs and points at me, '' you ask her. ''

I sigh loudly as I throw myself on Donia's bed. '' Rasha, did Mr.Bashar really kiss you? '' They ask. I groan loudly, I sit up again as I look at them. '' Yes! Yes, he did! But on my forehead, on my fucking forehead. See, look here! Here, he kissed me here! '' I snap at them as I slap my forehead to show them where on the face the forehead is placed, since it seems that they don't know. They glance at each other before they say anything. So the whole hour went by Medina telling them what happened, then Donia told them about our history, then I started shouting at them to fucking shut up. Like I'm here, I can tell you! It's me you're talking about! Ugh!

'' Wow, how come I didn't know? '' Tamara asks with a soft expression. '' Donia, I didn't know that you knew? '' Medina looks at Donia confused. Donia winks at Medina and they laugh. '' Girls, this is serious. Shut up. '' Tamara says with a serious tone. They quiet down and Tamara looks over to me again. '' So you kinda like him? '' She asks with a nervous look. I swallow a gulp, I don't dare to admit it. I like him, I like him so much, I can't describe the feeling but I like him so much. '' Yes, I like him. But he doesn't feel the same, believe me. He just comforted me, we got a little closer since he started tutoring me. That's it! '' I try to defend myself.

Tamara sits next to me, she caresses my cheek carefully before she speaks. '' Habibti (my love), a man doesn't kiss a woman's forehead just because he wants to comfort her. He obviously likes her. In my perspective, I think he really likes you. '' She says with a soft tone. I look down at my hands, it can't be. What she says doesn't make any sense, how could a teacher like a student. He, doesn't like me. I just know. '' But now, do you judge me for liking a teacher. I mean doesn't I look clueless? He's older, and too hot for me... ''

Medina punches my arm, '' You're wrong, you're really sexy. He's probably thinking about you now and drooling as he thinks about your smile. And as I always say, girls don't want boys, we want men. '' She winks at us as we all laugh. As If, him thinking about me? pfft, he has better things to do. He's probably with some girl right now. (A/N: Little does this bitch know). '' We'll help you with everything you ask for, and we'll make him confess his feelings by the end of this month. '' Donia says and I roll my eyes. '' sure, sure. '' I say annoyed. They jump on me and start hugging me, '' We love you bitch! '' They scream.

'' I can't breathe! '' I shout as they all laugh.

I just love them so much.


so what y'all think Rasha will do when she finds out about Saiid and Hala? Keep reading to find out (;

New chapter, what did you think?💁

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Love ya xxx

(ps. they are probably some grammar mistakes, but im too lazy to fix them right now.

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