Chapter Five - Tobacco Duck

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'I cannot believe you bought him to this seedy grog shop,' Wisp said dismayed.

'Seedy?' Bawbee looked hurt. 'This is the city's premier tap-house, full of character and charm.' The man who stumbled out moments before yelled something incoherently at a nearby barrel, coughed, then threw up in a hedge.

'Charming,' Wisp said dryly.

'We can just go for a quiet drink, and keep a low profile, follow me.' Bawbee eagerly shot through the front door before Wisp could object further.

Raide covered his face with his scarf, following the big man in. The Tobacco Duck was indeed a lively two-floor tap-house full of rowdy locals, drinking and guffawing. Raide pushed through the crowds who had gathered around the many tables of people playing card games.

Bawbee nodded upstairs. 'Find a booth up there out of the way, and I'll come and join you,' he shouted over the noise.

Raide went up to the quieter second floor and found one of the many secluded booths, that overlooked the busy scene below. He took off his coat and scarf and leant on the bannister that ran around the entire second floor. From above, he could see Bawbee hastily trying to comb his hair with his fingers, before talking to a large, heavy-set woman. 'I wonder who she is,' Raide quietly spoke to himself, looking at the woman with the thick braided hair that stood behind the bar.

'That is Troxy, she owns the place,' Wisp helpfully answered.

'She's huge.' Raide compared her size to Bawbee. 'She's nearly as big as he is.'

'You wouldn't want to cause trouble in Troxy's house. She once took on five men in a bar brawl, and then the three soldiers that came to sort it out. Bawbee is quite taken with her.'

Raide sat down as the big man came bustling up the stairs with two large pint glasses filled with a chestnut-brown liquid. He plonked them down on the table, sending the thin foam on top cascading over the edge, and down the sides of the glass. 'See if that brings back some memories,' Bawbee said, pushing one of the glasses across the table.

'That swill will probably get rid of a few memories,' Wisp said, in a disgusted tone.

'What is it?' Raide lifted the glass, watching the cloudy brown liquid swirl inside. 'I mean, does it have a name?'

Wisp sighed. 'It probably has a stupid name like Bogglebadger, Toadbrew or Popperknocker.'

Bawbee took a deep gulp of his drink. 'Don't be so cynical, Wisp,' he said, wiping his chin.

'Well, what is it then?' she asked expectantly.

'Wobblefox.' He winked at Raide, taking another big gulp.

Raide took a cautious sip before tipping the glass up, downing the entire contents without stopping. He clanged the glass down on the table, and with a refreshed gasp, ran his sleeve across his face. Bawbee clapped and nodded like a proud father watching his child walk for the first time.

'Such boys,' Wisp sighed.

'What's this?' Raide gestured to the busy floor below. 'The card game everyone seems to be playing.'

'That lad is, Menk,' the big man said, cupping his drink.

'Menk?' A pang of familiarity shot through him once more. 'What sort of a game is it?'

'It's a very popular card game based around the tournament. I'll talk you through it.' Bawbee got up and leant over the edge on his elbows. 'Come watch this table with me and put you scarf back on.' Raide got up, swayed slightly, and joined Bawbee watching the table directly below wrapping the scarf around his mouth. Two men wearing casual city guard livery sat opposite each other at a small table. Coins sat piled up on either side. One soldier was a lot older than the other, but both glared intently at each other while shuffling their decks.

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