Chapter Sixteen - The Alchemist

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'I could have been killed today because of you,' Raide barked, pointing an accusatory finger at the Kraite.

The four men stood over Corvax who was sitting in the chair, made of stacked books, with his short green legs dangling over the edge. His large clawed arms stretched on the makeshift armrests. 'No, dockers go punchy-punch not stab-stabby. Corvax knew you no get hurt badly,' he crooned reassuringly.

'Do you understand the trouble we're in because of you,' Raide spat angrily.

'Corvax not the one who tried to drown dockers,' he pointed a scaly clawed finger back. 'You did.'

'Well, maybe I should try drowning one more today,' Raide spluttered, reaching for the Kraite's neck.

Bawbee pulled him back quickly. 'Easy lad, I didn't carry this creature across the city only for you to drown him in the bath.'

'Where did you find him?' Gideon asked.

'Over at the Windjammer. He was trying to charm his way onto a tea clipper, heading out to the Sebastian isles,' Bawbee said, scratching his beard.

'A little late in the year for a holiday?' Monty mused, chewing on his pipe.

The Kraite cocked his head to the side. 'Corvax works too hard. So, it's never too late for vacations.'

'I need to know everything you know about me,' Raide barked, tapping a finger to his chest.

'Convincing lies,' he chittered to himself. 'Corvax knows nothing,' he said confidently. 'I'm just innocent bystander.'

'We won't get any sense out of him tonight. Kraites are notoriously stubborn. We should interro—,' Monty stopped himself, 'talk to him tomorrow.'

'Corvax is prisoner?' he said, looking around nervously.

'No, you will be a guest of house Asher,' Gideon corrected.

The creature widened his eyes hopefully. 'So, Corvax can come-and-go as he pleases?'

'No,' Gideon replied flatly.

'Sounds like prisoner,' Corvax mumbled, chewing on the end of his claw.

Raide grinned. 'I'll take him to his cell.'

The other three men exchanged glances. 'We don't have any cells, my boy, it's an antique shop,' Gideon confessed.

'You have no rooms here that can lock?' Raide asked in disbelief.

Gideon tapped the cane on the floor thoughtfully. 'Well, actually, we do have one room with a lock.'

Raide's eyes widened as he realised which room he was talking about. 'No, no way, he's not staying with me,' Raide said, pacing around waving his arms. 'He'll probably strangle me in my sleep, or he'll try to eat me,' he said, pointing at the small green creature.

The Kraite looked at his spindly claws. 'Corvax no strangle, and humans taste terrible,' he cackled patting his white scaly belly.

'I'll just sleep on the roof garden then,' Raide snapped back.

Bawbee crossed his arms. 'I wouldn't this time of year, lad. You could wake up frozen solid, and it won't be long before the snows come.'

Gideon placed a hand on Raide's back. 'Come along, my boy.' He guided him away from the group, weaving in and out the columns of stacked books to the other side of the library. 'I know this isn't ideal, and Pinki is taking up the other room, but maybe this might work to our advantage. This Kraite loves to talk and if he just forgets himself, he may open up to you,' the old man whispered.

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