Chapter two

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Peeling my eyes open, a blissful silence kept troubling thoughts at bay as I woke for the second time that morning. The rest of my sleep had been dreamless, and an involuntary smile warms my face when I hear Billie breathing steadily beside me.

Mornings like these were always my favourite. Waking up next to the love of my life was an incomparable feeling, and I can't wait for a time when I can do it everyday. But for now, thoughts of being separated by college and tour was an enough to disrupt the illusion of peace.

Quietly getting out of bed to avoid waking Billie, I sneak down the hallway to the kitchen where I can already hear people already up and about.

"Morning." I smile as I walk in, making a beeline for the fridge and pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

Maggie stands at the stove frying something in the pan, and repeats my greeting when she seems me.

"How are you sweetheart?" She asks, sliding another pancake onto the plate beside her, "I heard you and Billie up in the middle of the night."

The concern on her face was obvious, but I appreciate her attempt at giving me a chance to dismiss the question. She knows that neither Billie or I escaped the situation with Que completely unscathed, but still let's us choose when we want to talk about it.

I've mentioned my nightmares to her before, but kept it brief, not wanting to go into too much detail. Maggie tries to help when she can, but even she knows that right now, talking can only do so much.

Billie is more aware of what goes on in my head at night, and had even offered at one point to allow me to use her wall to write down my thoughts when I refused to use a journal. I declined, insisting that it wasn't my space, but I still smile at the memory.

"I'm fine. Just had some trouble sleeping."

She nods, unsatisfied with my answer, but doesn't press it, trusting me to tell her when I'm ready to. I bring my glass to my lips as I think, unsure if I should say more, but ultimately decide not to when Finneas and Patrick walk in.

They each hug me as they pass, with Patrick kissing the top of my head and Finneas stealing my juice.

"Hey!" I protest, watching as he downs it in one.

"It's your problem now, you wash it." I tell him, crossing my arms as I lean against the counter, ignoring his attempt to hand the empty glass back it me.

"Not a chance. You can use it to get more."

"I don't want more."

Maggie eventually chimes into the conversation, telling Finneas that he has to wash the glass.

"But it's Erin's!" Finneas argues, his childish protests reminding me of Billie, and I think about her with a smile on my face.

"You're a child, you know that?" I say with a chuckle, making him scruff up my hair in response.

"So where's Claudia?" I ask, changing the subject as I step out of Peppers way when she insistently tries to sniff the floor where I'm standing.

"Bed. Where's Billie?"


We nod in mutual understanding of having lazy partners, and part ways as I head into the sitting room and he makes himself something to eat, mumbling to himself about needing to wake up Claudia soon.

I settle onto the couch, and turn on the TV, waiting for Billie to wake up as I try to find something to watch.

In the light of day, I can't help my thoughts from drifting to stressful topics, my mind otherwise unoccupied as I channel surf without paying attention to the screen.

I had applied to a few randomly selected colleges that I could afford, but had yet to hear back from any. I also had to pick a major, and I was still at a loss as to what I wanted to do. Billie hasn't been much help either, insisting that college was boring and unnecessary, but I know she just doesn't want me to leave.

It was something that we desperately needed to talk about, but had continued to put off since the beginning of summer vacation. The conversation wasn't one I wanted to have, and it was so easy to put off at the slightest inconvenience. It was just so nice being happy with her, and I didn't want it to change.

I freeze when I hear the sound of a door being slowly pulled open, and smile at the sound of Billie stumping down the hallway, presumably still half asleep.

"Hi baby." I murmur, tossing the remote control down beside me and holding out my arms for her when she comes around the side of the sofa. Billie tiredly climbs into my embrace, and I hold her close as we sit without speaking.

"You were gone when I woke up." She mumbles sadly, but I can hear something more in her voice than her just missing me.

I think back to the words she says to me every time her nightmares wake her up in the middle of the night;

As long as I see you next to me, I'll be okay.

"Oh Billie I'm sorry," I tell her sincerely, holding onto her that much tighter, "I wasn't thinking."

"S'okay. I just got a fright."

She breathing eventually steadies as she falls asleep again, and I run my fingers through her hair, feeling her relax under my touch.

I was frown when I think of her having another nightmare, and guilt eats away at me for leaving her alone. I can't imagine waking up without Billie beside me, especially when I need her most after dreaming of losing her.

For the second time, I hear a bedroom door open and someone head in my direction, but this time the heavy stepping was accompanied by another set of lighter footsteps.

"Hey Clauds." I say softly, keeping my voice low for Billie's benefit.

Claudia's eyes flicker with concern when she spots her fast asleep, sitting opposite us on the loveseat, Finneas pulling her into his lap. "Is she okay?"

"I think so," I nod, gazing down at the angel sleeping in my arms, "She's still struggling with nightmares just the same as I am, but we're doing what we can for each other."

"Are you okay?"

"Of course. I have her." I say simply.

Wondering whether or not I was okay has been a reoccurring question ever since I left the hospital. It showed that people cared, but I had quickly grown tired of the repetition.

Always the same question, always the same answer. That I was okay. That I was feeling better. I was fine.

And to an extent, it was the truth. Because as long as I had Billie to get me through it, I knew my answer would never have to change.

A/N: finally an update to the sequel! 😂 I'm sorry this took so long, but mental health wise, things haven't been great.

With the quarantine and everything, I definitely have a lot more time on my hands so hopefully I'll be able to upload regularly enough.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please stay indoor and don't forget to wash ur hands

Much love 💕

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