chapter 3

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"Wait so you're telling me that the unknown mysterious CEO was a high school student”said Tanaka

I simply nodded but the person who disbelieved me the most was Anna as far as she could remember I was the useless little adorable brother who cared nothing but for volleyball but of course people change especially over the time span of 10 years that she went to study in America.As she came back after becoming a successful pro volleyball player and decided to coach at Karasuno.

“Wow unbelievable” said tsukishima as he looked at me “so like you can draw and make clothes? he asked

I rolled my eyes “it's called designing clothes not drawing” I said looking at him then I heard the car honk and I knew my ride was here so I had to wrap it up soon.

“Well I have to go now there is a issue at the company but I probably won't be back for two days” I said as I looked away from them

“You can go it's fine just don't slack off okay” said Daich and suga nodded approvingly

As I was turning around, Kageyama asked “ what's the issue?” I turned around surprised at the question coming from him. I smiled and said “I'm sure it's in the news right now so you can check, just don't believe everything they say okay? I said hoping they won't

As I bowed and added “when I come back I'll give you guys a proper response okay?” turning around running and waving my goodbyes at them.

As I got in the car “ let's get ready for battle shall we” I said with a smile.

Everyone's point of view

As  Everyone went back to practice but it was still pretty quiet without Hinata but of course kageyama and tsukishima still argued we were all with the question of Hinata outside life.

After practice we all went to change and decided to look it up in the news

Shimmer industry(lol or something like that)

It immediately showed up and labeled

Shimmer industry accused of plagiarism!

We all looked around with concerned looks and finally tsukishima spoke

“I wonder how shrimpy will deal with this if he was telling the truth” he finished

Sometimes the commercial life can be scary thought tsukishima and so did everyone else as they were all concerned about the their little sunshine

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