chapter 10

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"Wow really?" Exclaimed a very excited Tanaka

Canna quickly hid behind me
"They won't bite you Canna" I whispered to her but she didn't move I turned to face my team

"Sorry guys Canna has a bad history with men or anyone other than us from the company" I sad to them

"It's okay" replied Suga then the morning bell rang

"Well I'll see you after school I have to show them to their classes although we all have the same schedule" I sad to them as we said our goodbyes

Anna's POV
I always knew he didn't like me and I knew that as the eldest sibling I would have a lot of pressure so before they could force the title on me I decided to leave everyone and everything behind after getting the offer from America


"Are you really going to leave everything to me?"I look back and see shoyo he was standing in front of the gates to the main house
After naming him the heir grandpa decided for him to live in the main house with him and father.

"I know you're strong enough for this okay?"I said I was about to hug him but he quickly turned away

"You say that but you only did this because of your selfish choices just remember you'll never accomplish anything if all you do is run away and never face anything." That was the last time shoyo said anything to me he never even once answered my message or calls

I never knew the pain he went through and When I did come back I only messed up even more when I teamed up with Sasha 

"If only time machines really did exist," I said out loud
Time skip

No one's POV

As I walk to the gym I can hear the team practicing
"Has anyone seen shoyo?" Asked coach

"Well I saw him in the principal office with another student he should be back soon" as Anna finished shoyo walked in

"If only murder was legal," he said

"Huh?" said Tanaka

"The second we get to class we find ourselves a little cockroach," Hinata said with a smile

"All Ways hard with words huh?" someone new said as we looked behind shoyo we saw a girl Hinata quickly turned to face her and faster than anyone he shut the door and closed it and locked it shut 

"Does anyone have a chain? Nah not even that can keep her out " said Hinata  to himself

"well should we start practice?" said Suga 

We all agreed and started practice 

As the team started practicing receives Hinata did the impossible and actually received the ball with his hands and not his face for once we were all quite surprised 

"I told you'll I wouldn't fall behind and even if I had to sneak away from the little demons AKA paperwork and then, later on, get hit by kiki I would practice," Hinata said proudly 

"well good to know you know something other than spiking the ball," said tsukishima 

"what's that supposed to mean!" Hinata yelled at tsukishima who just laughed at him

"well time to clean up well meet tomorrow for morning practice," said Daichi to the team

"um Daichi-san I won't be able to go to after school practice and lunch sorry," said Hinata trying to not look at them in the eyes

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