Hacked Metaverse [Unfinished]

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Greetings, I am D.O.G, a metafictional being with artificial intelligence. Here, in the Metaverse, we control everything that happens out there in the many different timelines and dimensions. We've been met with some, technical difficulties, those with viruses and what-not. That is why we have contacted you, and brought you to the Metaverse. Please, enter your name...


Raidea? I will keep that name in my database.

Next, tell me, are you a boy or a girl?

[Attack Helicopter]

I will not question your logic here, I feel as if I would have difficulties if I tried...

Next, we must acquire an element of power. This option ranges from many different points of time and space. While the element can be anything thinkable, here in the Metaverse, you can only use it to a certain extent. Now, what element of power are you?

[Demon] Invalid element...

Sorry, I don't seem to have that element in my database. Maybe it is one that I've never heard of... For the time being, try picking something else...

[Demonic] Specification Needed...

The element you have chosen has many different variations... Specification will be needed if the Metaverse can grant your powers...


Ah yes, the power of death is one that not many have come to have. And for it to be mixed with the element of fire is unheard of... Most peculiar... I have received your element of choice. The Metaverse will now connect...

<Entering Metaverse: Please Stand By...>

<Stabilizing connection>

<Stabilization complete>

<Beginning warp>


It seems you have encountered an error. You will not be able to enter the Metaverse without removing the error from the system. Let's start with a tool that will come in handy for you.

{Received the Breaker}

The Breaker will allow you to open firewalls and databases in the system. At the level that you are using, you will only be able to enter the firewall, but not be able to deactivate the security. To do so, you will need to manually deactivate the firewall by using the terminals. Enter the Metaverse's firewall and find the terminals. Good luck...

{Level 1: Unlocking the Firewall}

I will now lower the security on the warp. Stand by...

<Metaverse Firewall Security Unit Unlocked>

There. You can now access the warp. Start by opening your Breaker, I will give you instructions on how to use it.

[Open Breaker]

Good. Can you see the holographic screen of the Breaker? Yes? Good. Next, check the items that are available in this current package. I have sent you the list in your text chat.

[Codex Manual]

The Codex Manual will give you any information you need on the Breaker unit. It explains how to use the different items inside your current unit. Is there anything you'd like to know?


The TDOG1 (Terminal Drive On Gauntlet 1) This is a terminal port worn on the right wrist, used to upgrade your current Breaker unit. Although, this needs energy to work. Gather energy from different systems to upgrade your Breaker. You can find energy by being in the system for long periods of time, acquiring cybernetic modules, or using the souls of deceased. The TDOG1 can be upgraded to be easier to upgrade the Breaker unit, by means that aren't known yet.

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