3. Rereading (fluff)

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you might be sleeping - jakob ogawa (ft. claire)

"No amount of coffee is going to keep me awake," I told JJ on the flight home.

"Just give up," she instructed, "It's a job well done. You deserve some rest."

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon," I said, but I was already drowsy. She smiled at me and told me to sleep tight.

"Thanks, mom, but I'm going to try and stay awake so I can actually sleep tonight." I walked over to the bench where Reid was sitting, reading.

"Scooch?" He looked up.

"Sure," he replied and shifted over. I sat down and smoothed down my grey plaid pants, adjusted my white sweater. Immediately, I was bored, but I tried to get some work done, check my messages. I was far too sleepy.

"You okay? You look like you're about to pass out," Reid commented. I laughed.

"Just tired. Whatcha reading?" I asked and looked over his shoulder. Big mistake. My vision began to swirl as I looked at the page of endless letters. I couldn't read a single word.

"Ivan Turgenev's First Love in its original Russian. I'm rereading," he said. Russian. That was probably why I could make out anything.

"What's it about?" I scooted closer.

"It's a love story. Two people who shouldn't be together." I leaned back and rested my head against the seat. My eyes fluttered close.

"Will you tell me the story?" I couldn't see him, but I swear I felt his soft smile, the face he made when he played with kids.

"Sure. So there's this girl. She's twenty-one, like you, actually, but she's much meaner." He began to tell me the story and I tried to hold on, but soon I was drifting, drifting off to sleep, my head on Reid's shoulder.


"You want me to deal you in?" Morgan asked Reid about ten minutes later. He shuffled a deck of cards neatly.

"I'm good, thanks."

"She's really out," Morgan chuckled when he looked back at Reid, who sat motionless with his book open in his lap.

"Like a light," Reid agreed quietly.

"You okay there?"

"I'm good. I've got my book." One corner of his mouth tugged up into a half-smile. Morgan just shook his head in smirked.

"Pretty Boy, always getting the girl," Morgan joked so only Reid could hear. Reid flushed.

"She's just tired."

"I know. She ran up like 10 flights of stairs to get that unsub." Reid nodded.

"Don't worry, you can lose all your money to me next time," Morgan promised.

"Not a chance," Reid said resolutely.

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