14. Cherry Jello

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opera house - cigarettes after sex

I was there when he rediscovered consciousness, having been coerced into going to the hotel to sleep for a three hours by Morgan, and having returned at 7 a.m. I had always thought it a little stalker-y to watch someone when they were sleeping, but I couldn't help studying Reid. He looked so peaceful. Younger. Carefree.

Now that I had resigned to my crush on Reid, I was unsure of what to do. Should I just continue with business as usual? Try to wait it out? Obviously, I couldn't tell him, so in a way, what was the difference now that I wasn't denying it to myself anymore? I sighed. I knew it wasn't going to end well.


Reid's unnaturally cheery disposition in light of being shot persisted even after he awoke from his medically induced nap the next around 9 a.m.

"How you doing?" I asked though a mouth of hospital cafeteria jello when Reid eyes fluttered open. I sat at a bench beside his bed.

"I'm great. It was just a few stitches. Did you stay here overnight?"

"No, Morgan and I took shifts. I left for a few hours." He nodded contently.

"Is that my jello?"

"Mhm." He looked at me like one might look at a puppy who had dug a hole in the garden, trying for a split second to muster up discontent, then immediately giving up.

"Don't worry," I said, swallowing the wobbly desert, "I saved you one." He chuckled.

"I'm glad you're okay," I said, softer. Reid looked at me, gave me that small smile he would sometimes that made my heart stutter. I tucked a piece of hair behind me ear. There was a tension in the air, though I couldn't be sure I wasn't just imagining it. I felt like time had slowed down, just a tiny bit. Ninety percent speed, maybe. There was sun shining in from the window of Reid's room, and I could see a thousand particles making a lazy descent toward the linoleum.

"Good news," I continued. I paused to take another scoop of my jello. It was cherry. Or red flavored, at least.

"Doctor said you're cleared to fly. You just have to stay out of overly physical situations." It was then that Morgan and Prentiss walked in behind me.

"Overly physical situations?" Morgan repeated, the words dripping with innuendo. I stuck out my tongue.

"You're tongue is red," Reid commented. I crossed my eyes trying to catch a glimpse.

"Good to have you back, Reid,"  Prentiss said.

"I was never gone."

"Either way." I yawned and looked forlornly at my empty jello cup.

"Were you eating jello?" Prentiss asked with an air of disgust.


"Jello is gross. It's the worst dessert."

"First of all, fruitcake. Second of all, it's a proven fact that hospital jello is infinitely better than normal jello. I'm pretty sure they fill it with morphine." I yawned again. The amused glimmer in Reid's eyes made me self conscious.

"Go take a nap, Davis," Morgan commanded, "We'll get Reid checked out." I was half tempted to argue, but the fluorescent hospital lights were making me woozy.

"Sir, yes, sir. I'll see you later, Spencer."

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